The productivity and technological indicators of the quality of the tubers of potato varieties grown in the conditions of the Non-Black Chernozem zone

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The purpose of the research was to determine the technological and consumer characteristics of various varieties of potatoes grown in the Ryazan region. The object of research was potato varieties of Russian and foreign selection grown in the conditions of an experimental agrotechnological station of FSBEI HE RRSAU. The potatoes were cultivated on the dark gray forest soil of the non-Chernozem zone of Russia. Agricultural measures for growing potatoes were generally accepted in the zone. The tubers were planted in the first decade of May. The level of mineral nutrition in the experiment was N190P90K120. All the researches were conducted using standard methods. In terms of total and commercial yield, high indicators in the experiment were shown by early-maturing variety Koroleva Anna (35.71 and 31.62 t/hectare) and medium-maturing variety Kolobok (34.68 and 29.88 t/hectare). According to the results of the research, only the varieties Koroleva Anna and Kolobok were classified as type C, suitable for cooking most culinary dishes, and accordingly they were universal. According to dry matter content, Rodrigo, Koroleva Anna and Kolobok varieties were suitable for technological processing. The optimal ratio of protein and starch was presented in the tubers of the varieties Koroleva Anna (1:11) and Kolobok (1:12), which indicated high culinary qualities of these varieties. The maximum content of nitrates was found in the core of potato varieties Lanona (88.5 mg/kg) and Red Scarlet (87.7 mg/kg), which might be due to the ability of these early-maturing varieties to absorb intensively mineral nutrients having no time to be included in biosynthesis. The content of toxic elements in all the samples was at an acceptable level.


Potato, variety, yield, quality indicators

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140254745   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-1-118-125

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