Designing a meat and vegetable semi-finished product of increased nutritional value based on venison

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The aim of the study is to develop a meat and vegetable semi-finished product of increased nutritional value using venison and fern semi-finished product. Research objectives: to develop recipes for meat and vegetable semi-finished products of increased nutritional value; determine the best sample using a tasting score. The object of research is a chopped semi-finished product based on deer meat with bracken fern paste. As a control sample, we used a zrazy production recipe. The work used fern paste, which was introduced instead of meat in the amount of 5; ten; 15; thirty; 45 %. Traditional research methods were used to assess the quality of finished products. Calculation of nutritional value was carried out according to the method of I.M. Skurikhina, taking into account the chemical composition of the finished product. Organoleptic characteristics of products are determined in accordance with GOST 9959-91. In the laboratory of the Institute of Food Production of the Krasnoyarsk State Agrarian University, 5 prototypes were prepared with the addition of fern paste and control, their organoleptic assessment was carried out, during which such indicators of the quality of chopped semi-finished products as taste, smell (aroma), consistency (tenderness, hardness), juiciness and appearance were assessed. The use of fern paste in the production of meat and vegetable chopped semi-finished products has a positive dynamics of changes in nutritional value. The content of protein (by 12 %), carbohydrates (by 52 %) increases, the amount of dietary fiber increases 10 times. Favorable changes were observed in the content of microelements and vitamins: the calcium content increased 2 times, there was an enrichment with copper (1.9 times), nickel (0.07 times), sulfur (28 times), manganese (0.17 times ), and an increase in vitamin C (ascorbic acid) - 25 times. The product "Zrazy" with the addition of fern paste has a balanced composition that combines protein of animal and vegetable origin, a moderate content of carbohydrates, dietary fiber and a small amount of fat. The energy value increases by 12 %. It was found that the addition of 30 % fern paste instead of raw meat provides the best organoleptic characteristics of the new product.


Recipe, technology, venison, bracken fern, fern paste, chopped semi-finished product, tasting assessment, nutritional value

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140261371   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-11-264-272

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