Professional experimental and research competence of the specialist in physical processes of oil and gas production: system model formations, identification technique of formation levels (state-of-the-art review of a problem)

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In the article the author's interpretation of professional experimental and research competence is given, its functional and substantial components are defined. The model of system of formation at students professional experimental and research competences is presented. dentification technique of formation levels of professional competences is considered. Results of skilled pilot studies of efficiency of competence-based and modular technology of formation at students of professional experimental and research competence are given. Conclusion. Results of an experiment and practice of carrying out experimental and research laboratory works on physical processes of oil and gas production at petrotechnological faculty of the Samara state technical university on the developed computer-tentnostno-modular technology confirms its rather high efficiency, and the last two years the number of students with the created professional experimental and research competences increased at basic level for 34%, on raised - for 23%. The reached levels of formation of PEIK allow university graduates to be engaged successfully not only organizational and administrative, production and technological, but also design and research activity.


Professional competences, laboratory and physical experiment, oil and gas production, system of formation of competence

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IDR: 148102482

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