Professionally-oriented problems in the course of mathematics for students of railway university

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Today, the aim of the educational process is to train a specialist with a highly professional training, for this reason, University teachers are faced with the task of developing professionally oriented training, which is the most important for building the process of obtaining railway education. The article deals with the concept of “professionally directed task”, which is a unifying factor of both pedagogical and specific tasks. This approach explains the complexity and specificity of the content of mathematical education for students of the Railway University. This is primarily due to the fact that a set of mathematical knowledge and tools is necessary for any student of a technical University; in addition, it is impossible not to highlight its specific focus in the context of use and application on the railway.


Railway transport specialist, professionally directed problems in the course of higher mathematics

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IDR: 148312982   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2020-22-71-15-20

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