Professional development of students based on competence-modular learning technology

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An innovative approach to the organization of students' independent education is described. The invariant structure of self-educational competence formation activity is considered. The notion of self-educational competences of four levels of complexity is introduced. With the help of the proposed methodological aids a student can independently organize his/her studies at a convenient time for him/her, as well as carry out self-control and determine the level of his/her knowledge. The proposed technology has been tested in two universities: Samara State University of Railway Transport and Samara State Technical University. The pedagogical experiment was carried out in the first and second year of full-time and correspondence courses of mathematics.


Independent education of students, competence-based modular learning, technology, competence

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148323636   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2021-23-79(2)-194-215-221

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