The organization of the field researches with a students with a view to learn natural and territorial complexes

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The article describes the method of field research arrangement with schoolchildren . The need to form applied knowledge with pupils is justified in the article. The field research comprised 3 stages: preparatory stage, field stage and desktop stage. The students deepened their geographical skills during the preparatory stage: the skill to describe natural and territorial complexes was particularly emphasized, as well as to interpret and analyze geographic maps of various types and to monitor natural objects and processes. We also collected data on the exploration site, including data analysis of the topographic map, which enabled us to select natural and territorial complexes to be studied during the field stage. Internet sources provided data on weather conditions, flora and fauna representatives. Trip to Novoyantuzovo village to describe 5 natural and territorial complexes took place at the field stage of the research. At the final stage, the data obtained on the first and second stages was compared, and conclusions were made. Such activities contribute to the development of independence with schoolchildren, help pupils to fulfill their potential and utilize their experience.


Field research of students, natural-territorial complex, practical work on the area

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