Psychological aspects of pedagogical creation development of future teachers of music

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In this article one of psychological aspects of pedagogical creation of future teachers of music entailing potential creativity of future teachers person as predisposition, inclination to pedagogical activity is examined. The author analyzes creative abilities development taking into account creative potentialities characteristics of the whole human population reflected in the main aspects of activity. The components, which quality influences on the development of the creative way of thinking and gains of personal characteristscs, are singled out. Having learnt the dynamics of creative process development based on intellect, the author comes to the conclusion that the top level of the creative product is creativity of a person. It is a compulsory psychological component of the pedagogical process of future teachers of music.


Pedagogical creativity, creative thinking, creative abilities, activity, personal characteristics, mental processes, creativity level, mental abilities, neoro- physiological inclinations

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IDR: 148100339

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