Psychological and pedagogical support for children of middle preschool age with general underdevelopment of speech (level I)

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The article discusses the results of a study on the problem of nding e ective ways of psychological and pedagogical support for children of the 5th year of life with general underdevelopment of speech (level I). Despite the numerous publications on the correction of severe speech disorders, there are no studies on a comprehensive approach to providing specialized assistance to children of this category in a preschool educational organization of any type, in particular, determining the conditions for individualizing the educational process in compensatory education groups. The need to create conditions for education, upbringing, social adaptation of children with severe speech pathology and the realization of their right to education, taking into account special educational needs and individual opportunities, determined the need to develop a model of psychological and pedagogical support. The implementation of the model with the participation of a wide range of specialists allows you to comprehensively solve a whole range of issues: organization of diagnostics, system analysis of survey data, support planning, phased corrective work in various areas and monitoring of results.


Общее недоразвитие речи (i уровень)

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IDR: 170199678

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