Teaching methods: psychosemantic evaluation of student perception

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In scientific researches of the modern world the concept of contemplation began to be considered as separate category. First of all it is connected with the appeal to a consciousness problem recently. The consciousness of the person develops in the course of purposeful activity. In domestic psychology the principle of unity of consciousness and activity amplifitsirutsya traditionally which contents is defined by a triad: "consciousness-activity-contemplation". We consider contemplation as addition to activity of category of psychology. This article presents a comparative analysis of the concept of perception from the psychosomatic point of view among students of different social sciences departments. The specifics of psychosemantic influence in its different descriptions are examined, as are the results of emotional, evaluative and active impact of perception semantics. The study group was comprised of students of history and special education departments, their differences were also taken into account. The department of history places its focus on the study of theory and research, while the special education department is more concerned with the applied sciences, which provides a higher level of educational achievement. The study results show students reaction to the semantics perception observation. The evaluation specifics in regard to the educational field are considered as well. The work demonstrates the role of perception in everyday life and in students’ educational experience in particular. In our research on the basis of Ch. Osgood's works, V.F.Petrenko, G.V.Akopova, have been developed modification of semantic differential with use of bimodal scales of Petrenko. Certain factors which are presented by twenty scales have been allocated. The leading factor was the factor "assessment", four scales have entered it. I was the following factor the "emotionality" including four scales. The third factor is also presented by four scales - "activity". Fourth factor - "complexity" (four scales). The fifth factor "force" - four scales. Conclusion: contemplation as a form of internal knowledge, as a form of an unusual condition of consciousness is the unique mental phenomenon bearing communication with unconscious, confirming two-factor model of G.V.Akopov is connected with a factor of freedom of perception, reflecting "pleasure", "ease", "pleasure", "beauty". Contemplation promotes activity development of thinking, creativity and Gnostic knowledge.


Perception, consciousness, psychosemantics, emotions, evaluation, activity, difficulty, strength, psychological, emotional perception

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148102353

IDR: 148102353

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