Psychosomatic aspect of neurodermatitis, body self-image and its boundaries of patients with atypical dermatitis. Part 1

Автор: Shtrakhova A.V., Kharisova A.R.

Журнал: Психология. Психофизиология @jpps-susu

Рубрика: Клиническая (медицинская) психология

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.6, 2013 года.

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Describes the theoretical aspects of psychological studies of patients with atopic dermatitis (skin diseases). On the example of neurodermatitis (atypical dermatitis) are considered some of the psychosomatic aspects of its etiology and pathogenesis associated with the psychodynamic approach to the evaluation of the functions of the skin, the specific content of emotional conflict (within the F. Alexander's meaning of it), the psychological mechanisms of suppression pulses sexuality, anxiety and hostility, describes the specific role of psychophysiological factor in maintaining a "vicious circle" of the type of mechanism "desomatization - resomatization" neurodermatitis. Presents the basic concept of the Russian school of psychology physicality A. Tkhostov regarding formation of body Self-image, its external and internal borders, features displays of their performance in a variety of forms of skin diseases. Considered in detail the proposed S. Fisher & S.E. Cleveland principles for assessing the degree of stability and sharp boundaries of body image, their "barrier" or "permeation» («Barrier» and «Penetration» scores) and their application to the study of the psychological status of patients with skin diseases. Grounded theory and psychodiagnostic base of empirical clinical studies of patients with atypical dermatitis.


Atopic dermatitis, psychosomatic disorders, psychodynamics, psychology, the boundaries of physicality, physicality, body self-image

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IDR: 147159861

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