Fakultet za sport Univerziteta „Union – Nikola Tesla“
Trendovi razvoja sporta i neophodnost obrazovanja sportskih stručnjaka, kao i interesi nacionalnog sporta, nametnuli su potrebu za osnivanjem Fakulteta za sport u Beogradu, koji ima za cilј uspostavlјanje visokih stručnih, naučnih i pedagoških, a time i akademskih standarda, usaglašenih sa razvijenim visokoškolskim sistemima Evrope i Bolonjskom deklaracijom, istovremeno negujući najbolјe osobine tradicionalnog srpskog obrazovnog sistema.
Fakultet za sport u Beogradu, kao nova ustanova iz oblasti visokog obrazovanja i jedina čija je matična oblast isklјučivo sport, osnovan je privatnim kapitalom, poseduje dozvolu za rad br. 612-00-01629/2019-06 od 11.10.2019. godine izdatu od Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja, registrovan je kod Privrednog suda u Beogradu rešenjem br. 1 Fi 324/2012 od 11.09.2012. godine. Fakultet posluje, sa svojstvom pravnog lica, u okviru integrisanog Univerziteta „Union-Nikola Tesla“ iz Beograda.
Издаваемые журналы: 1

Sport, Media and Business is a journal categorized by the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of the Republic of Serbia. Since 2023, the journal has been published biennially by the Faculty of Sport of the University “Union – Nikola Tesla” in Belgrade. The journal publishes scientific and professional articles. The journal publishes papers in two languages, Serbian (the Cyrillic alphabet only) and English. The Editorial Board reserves the right to proofread and edit all the papers in accordance with the current standards of the Serbian and English language. All submitted papers must contain research content that has not been published before in English or any other language. Also, they must not be in the selection process of any other journal and their publication must be approved by all the authors. Papers in extenso that have previously been partially presented at a scientific/professional meeting can also be accepted; authors are obliged to indicate that accordingly. The publisher reserves the right to check the originality of the submitted paper using specialized plagiarism detection software. For the publication of papers in special issues of the journal Sport, Media and Business, the editor-in-chief will, before forwarding the paper to the Editorial Board, take into consideration the suggestion of the editor of the special issue (guest-editor), if one has been appointed. - Sport Mediji i Biznis - Спорт Медиjи и Бизнис - Sport, Media and Business