The work of pre-school educational establishment with parents in the formation of older preschoolers'' Valuable attitude toward nature

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Interaction of man with nature has always existed. But the nature of this interaction at different stages of human life changed. At first it was adaptation of the human to existence in nature. Then, it was submission of nature by the human. Now, the person looks for ways of preservation of nature. And at this stage, man faces a set of technologies, ways and methods of escape from this adverse ecological situation in our region and the country as a whole. Most of these technologies are beyond the scope of uderstanding of an ordinary person, they are meant for experts with ecological or technical education. The process of harmonization of the relations of man with nature consists in actions of the human towards nature. It is no use arguing on installation of waste treatment facilities at plants, it is necessary just to monitor your own actions towards environment. And of course such education should begin from the stage of preschool childhood. But who will teach this? Teachers of preschool educational organizations will of course give knowledge to children in this respect, but first and main "teachers" for children are parents. The family is the main source of knowledge for the child, of social experience and formation of relations including those to nature. Parents have to have caring attitude to nature, responsible and, of course, valuable so that they serve as an example to children, as an authority in this question. But this is not always the case. The article is devoted to the organization of work of preschool educational institutions with parents, leading to the formation of pre-schoolers'valuable attitude toward nature. This process must be carried out in modern educational practice, since the family is the main source of knowledge for the child, of social experience and the formation of relationships, including those to nature. If the parent in their interaction with the natural world shows neglect, the child will copy this behavior and see it as normal. Also, the notion of "valuable attitude to nature" is revealed; for parents there are offered practical methods of interaction with nature without violence; method of research and its use by parents together with children at home. Conclusion: the offered work forms of preschool educational organizations with parents of preschool children will help the process of education of parents with regard to questions of formation of valuable attitude to nature as one of personal new growths. It will be shown in parents' and their children's understanding that nature is significant for each person, each piece of paper thrown on the ground is nature pollution, and its purity and beauty depends on our attitude. Also, it will cause active cooperation of teachers with parents, support of parents in questions that may arise, which will promote close contact of all participants in questions of development and education of the child. In turn, parents will actively join in the child's life, interact with him, better understand the child, suggesting to experiment a little, or during a walk observe nature without estimates taking into account the offered methods.


Preschooler, parents, nature, valuable attitude to nature, method of non-violent interaction with nature, research

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