Раннее этносоциолексикографирование афроамериканского субъязыка в Великобритании: словарь Ф. Гроуза

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В статье представлены результаты многофакторного этносоциолексикографического анализа первых попыток регистрации и толкования афроамериканских этносоциолектизмов в английских лексикологических справочниках, в частности, в работе Ф.Гроуза «A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue» 1785г. («Классический словарь вульгарного языка»).

Афроамериканский субъязык, афроэтносоциолект, словарь, этносоциолексикографический инструментарий

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IDR: 148101308

Список литературы Раннее этносоциолексикографирование афроамериканского субъязыка в Великобритании: словарь Ф. Гроуза

  • Grose F. A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Captain Francis Grose edited with a biographical and critical sketch and an extensive commentary by Eric Partridge. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1963. Reprinted in New York: Books for libraries press, 1971. XIV. 396 p.
  • Hotten J.C. The slang dictionary. East Ardsley, Wakefield, Yorkshire, England: Republished by EP Publishing, Ltd., 1972. [This reprint taken from the 1889 edition]. 382 p.
  • Barrère A., Leland Ch.G. A dictionary of slang, jargon, and cant, embracing English, American, and Anglo-Indian slang, Pidgin English, tinkers’ jargon and other irregular phraseology. With a new Introduction by Eric Partridge. Vol. 1 -2. The Ballantyne Press. MDCCCLXXXIX. Republished by Gale Research Company. Detroit: Gale Research Co., Book Tower, 1967. Vol. 1. A -K. XXIII, 528 p.
  • Barrère A., Leland Ch.G. A dictionary of slang, jargon, and cant, embracing English, American, and Anglo-Indian slang, Pidgin English, tinkers’ jargon and other irregular phraseology. With a new Introduction by Eric Partridge. Vol. 1 -2. The Ballantyne Press. MDCCCLXXXIX. Republished by Gale Research Company. Detroit: Gale Research Co., Book Tower, 1967. Vol. 2. L -Z. 428 p.
  • Farmer J.S., Henley W.E. Slang and its Analogues. Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of All Classes of Society for more than Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. 7 vols. Vol. I. A to Byz. MDCCCXC [1890]. Reprinted. New York: Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1974. X. 405 p.
  • Farmer J.S., Henley W.E. Slang and its Analogues. Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of All Classes of Society for more than Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. 7 vols. Vol. II. C to Fizzle. MDCCCXCI [1891]. Reprinted. New York: Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1974. 406 p.
  • Farmer J.S., Henley W.E. Slang and its Analogues. Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of All Classes of Society for more than Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. 7 vols. Vol. III. Fla. to Hyps. MDCCCXCIII [1893]. Reprinted. New York: Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1974. 387 p.
  • Farmer J.S., Henley W.E. Slang and its Analogues. Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of All Classes of Society for more than Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. 7 vols. Vol. IV. 1896. Reprinted. New York: Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1974. 399 p.
  • Farmer J.S., Henley W.E. Slang and its Analogues. Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of All Classes of Society for more than Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. 7 vols. Vol. V. N to Razzle-dazzle. MCMII [1902]. Reprinted. New York: Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1974. 381 p.
  • Farmer J.S., Henley W.E. Slang and its Analogues. Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of All Classes of Society for more than Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. 7 vols. Vol. VI. Rea to Stozzle. MCMIII [1903]. Reprinted. New York: Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1974. 378 p.
  • Farmer J.S., Henley W.E. Slang and its Analogues. Past and Present. A Dictionary, Historical and Comparative, of the Heterodox Speech of All Classes of Society for more than Three Hundred Years. With Synonyms in English, French, German, Italian, etc. 7 vols. Vol. VII. Stra Z. MCMIV [1904]. Reprinted. New York: Kraus Reprint Corporation, 1974. 380 p.
  • Ware J. R. Passing English of the Victorian Era: A Dictionary of Heterodox English, Slang and Phrase. New York: Dutton & Co., 1909. VIII. 271 p.
  • Partridge E. Slang to-day and yesterday: With a short historical sketch; and vocabularies of English, American, and Australian slang. London: Routlege & Kegan Paul, 1979. IX, 476 p.
  • Partridge E. A dictionary of slang and unconventional English/Edited by Paul Beale. 8th ed. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984. XXIX.1400 p.
  • Thorne T. Dictionary of contemporary slang. London: Clays Ltd., 1994. VII. 583 p.
  • Ayto J. Oxford Dictionary of Slang//Oxford University Press Inc., New York, 2003. 474 p.
  • Рябичкина Г.В. Субстандартная лексикография английского и русского языков: Теоретический и прикладной аспекты: Дис…. д-ра филол. наук. -Пятигорск: 2009. -С. 101 -108.
  • Смирнова О.В. История становления англоязычной просторечной лексикографии (XVI -XX вв.): Автореф. дис…. канд. филол. наук. -Л.: 1986. -С. 8 -10.
  • Хомяков В.А. Обзор основных одноязычных словарей английского просторечия//Проблемы лексикологии, лексикографии и прикладной лингвистики. -М.: 1978. -Ч. 1. -С. 228 -229.
  • Chapman R.L. Dictionary of American slang. Third edition. -New York: Harper Collins Publishers, 1995. -XXII. -Р. VIII.
  • Coleman J. A History of Cant and Slang Dictionaries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. V. II: 1785 -1858. -P. 14 -71.
  • Partridge E. Slang to-day and yesterday: With a short historical sketch; and vocabularies of English, American, and Australian slang. London: Routlege & Kegan Paul, 1979. IX, 476 p.
  • Partridge E. A dictionary of slang and unconventional English/Edited by Paul Beale. 8th ed. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984. XXIX. -P. 75 -78, 84 -86, 182 -188, 233 -235, 278 -279.
  • Coleman J. A History of Cant and Slang Dictionaries. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. V. II: 1785 -1858. -P. 268, 271.
  • Grose F. A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Captain Francis Grose edited with a biographical and critical sketch and an extensive commentary by Eric Partridge. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1963. Reprinted in New York: Books for libraries press, 1971. XIV. 396 p.
  • Wentworth H., Flexner B.S. Dictionary of American Slang. Second Supplemented Edition. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Publishers, 1975. 766 p.
  • Partridge E. A dictionary of slang and unconventional English/Edited by Paul Beale. 8th ed. New York: Macmillan Publishing Co., 1984. XXIX.1400 p.
  • Grose F. A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Captain Francis Grose edited with a biographical and critical sketch and an extensive commentary by Eric Partridge. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1963. Reprinted in New York: Books for libraries press, 1971. XIV. -P. 7 -8.
  • Смирнова О. В. История становления англоязычной просторечной лексикографии (XVI -XX вв.): Автореф. дис…. канд. филол. наук. -Л.: 1986. -С. 10
  • Рябичкина Г.В. Субстандартная лексикография английского и русского языков: Теоретический и прикладной аспекты:…. -С. 81 -84.
  • Grose F. A Classical Dictionary of the Vulgar Tongue by Captain Francis Grose edited with a biographical and critical sketch and an extensive commentary by Eric Partridge. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul Ltd., 1963. Reprinted in New York: Books for libraries press, 1971. XIV. -P. 70, 145, 162, 163, 220, 257, 313.
  • Partridge E. The Concise New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English/Tom Dalzell (Senior Editor) and Terry Victor (Editor). Routledge, 2008. XVIII, 721 p.
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