Reflections on the theme of socially-professional accreditation or how to assess education, not worsening quality. The sight of the expert

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Expansion of the market of educational services and presence of a considerable quantity of the state and not state high schools having an identical profile, cause in the consumer a legitimate interest in a choice of the best. Proper response of scientifically-educational community that has given rise to development to a new direction in estimated activity - public and professional accreditation has followed. On a plan of organizers of a new kind accreditation, increase of risks for consumers of educational services it is compensated the guarantees, giving regulating bodies, in the person Rosobrnadzor and National Accreditation Agency of Russia, and not state accreditation the agencies. The last, in turn, guarantee to high schools that about process carrying out of socially-professional accreditation will help them to improve the quality so, quality of formation should raise steadily.


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