The development of meat and cereal minced semi-finished products from deer meat for the inhabitants of the Far North

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One of the main conditions for a successful human life in extreme conditions is high-quality nutrition, which compensates for negative impact of the climate on the body, so northern peoples have paid great attention to healthy food for a long time. The main food of northern peoples is deer meat, which makes 60-70 % of their daily diet, which violates the principles and rules of healthy nutrition and leads the problems with health. The deficiency of vegetable components in food of northern people can be eliminated by the development of meat and cereal food on the basis of deer meat which will partially solve the problem of the inhabitants of the far North in compliance with the rules of balanced nutrition, the composition of which corresponds to the specifics of the human body's metabolism, and also contributes to the expansion of the range of chopped semi-finished products. Modeling the recipe of minced meat and vegetable semi-finished products from environmentally friendly meat and vegetable raw materials, without preservatives and dyes, will allow receiving a healthy product with good organoleptic properties and high digestibility, which is a necessary condition. In the Laboratory of the Institute of Food Industries of FSBEI HE KrasSAU 3 experimental samples with bracken powder addition were prepared; organoleptic evaluation was conducted, during which such indicators of the quality of chopped semi-finished products, like taste, smell (aroma), texture (tenderness, rigidity), juiciness and appearance were evaluated. The paper presents the results of physical and chemical analysis of the studied samples.The results showed that the addition of 15 % bracken powder instead of meat raw materials had provided the best organoleptic characteristics of the product.


Pteridium aquilinum, chopped semi-finished product, quality indicators, recipe, technology, deer meat

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IDR: 140250587   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-12-177-183

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