The development of flour confectionery for healthy nutrition with using squash puree

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One of the main directions of state policy in the social sphere is the care about the health of the na-tion. Distribution of noninfectious diseases caused by the excess body weight and obesity is a global prob-lem of all developed countries, including Russia. Flour confectionery is in increased demand of the population, especially of young people. But in recent years the people using Internet resources began to seek to use less carbohydrates and fats with which flour confectionery is so rich to be slim and healthy. Confectionery industry had the need to correct the range of products towards healthy nutrition. There-fore when developing new types of products the task of technologists is to reduce caloric content of con-fectionery and to increase their mineral and vitamin value. The use of local vegetable raw materials for these purposes is preferable as it, as a rule, cheaper, it is also considered that the products growing in the places of residence are better acquired by the people living there as human enzyme apparatus has been adapting to the digestion of certain substances for centuries. In the study it is offered to use zucchini variety of vegetable marrow puree for the increase of biscuits’ nutrition value. In vegetable marrows in big quantity there are salts of potassium, phosphorus, calcium and microcells - molybdenum, titan, alumi-num, lithium, zinc etc. Potassium in combination with magnesium perfectly supports the work of the heart in the people with cardiovascular problems. The ratio of potassium and sodium in vegetable marrows makes 150:1 that is favorably reflected in water bal-ance of the organism and helps to be exempted from excessive liquid. The vitamin structure of this plant is presented by a big complex of vitamins of group B (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9), vitamins C, RR, E, N, beta-carotene, tartron acid. Pectin and food fibers which are present in vegetable marrow in a large number make this product low-calorie. The influence of vari-ous dosages of marrow puree at the production of biscuit on the process of churning and the quality of products was investigated. On the basis of a stand-ard compounding on biscuit No. 1 production compoundings are calculated on loading in the mixer and trial pastries are executed. Finished products were checked according to organoleptic and physical and chemical indicators, the nutrition value of the biscuit was estimated.


Healthy nutrition, squash puree, biscuit, technology, quality, nutritional value, caloric content, recipe

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IDR: 140224336

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