The development of technology and recipes of functional products with iodine containing raw materials

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The study investigates the possibility of using kelp, processed products and local herbs in cook-ing products from rye-wheat dough. Novosibirsk region is included in the list of regions with iodine deficiency, so that the production of functional products with iodine is topical problem. The study describes developing technologies and recipes of bakery products of rye-wheat dough enriched with kelp and its products in combination with herbal supplements (infrared drying flour of carrot and pumpkin). The research was held in the Depart-ment of Technology and Organization of Food Pro-duction of Novosibirsk State Technical University (NSTU). Kelp flour was obtained by infrared drying with mechanical and chemical grinding in the Insti-tute of Solid State Chemistry and Mechanical Chemistry from a sample of frozen kelp. Complex enzyme preparations (alpha-amylase, lipase) and ‘Olympian software’ were used as improvers. The study presents the results of organoleptic and phys-ico-chemical researches of samples of bread. All the products have good organoleptic characteris-tics, high nutritional value; provide the daily re-quirement in iodine. The product is rich in vitamin C, β-carotene, high in fiber thanks to the addition of complex additives from kelp and carotene raw ma-terials, allowing recommending these products for functional nutrition. They may be included in the diet of all groups of people and can be used as an alternative to bread, and when consumed regularly it serves as prevention of diseases associated with iodine deficiency.


Rye-wheat buns, laminaria, ir drying powders, pumpkin and carrot puree

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 14084507

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