Development of technology for manufacturing apple chips based on the results of assessment of technological and consumer properties of raw apples

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Modern trends in people's nutrition are determined primarily by changed living conditions, in which the desire to reduce the time spent on solving everyday issues, including cooking, has led to the creation of a new range of food products, among which fruit snacks are especially distinguished. In non-CIS countries, apple chips are the most popular and have become in demand among consumers of almost all age categories. Apple chips from imported manufacturers have already appeared on shelves in Kazakhstan, which has presented domestic scientists with the urgent task of establishing their own production from apples growing in our country, since the raw material base of the southern regions can already provide industrial-scale production of various varieties of apples. Apple chips differ from traditional dried fruits in their organoleptic characteristics - their taste is richer, retaining the shape of the plates and crispy crust, and the vitamin and microelement composition is close to the composition of fresh apples. The goal of our research is to develop a technology for the production of apple chips from apple varieties grown on an industrial scale by farms in the Turkestan region using technological methods of blanching sliced apple slices with a special solution and convection drying them. As a research methodology, experimental research methods were used, including the selection of initial apple raw materials, the composition of the blanched solution, the regime parameters for processing apple plates in solution and their drying, and the use of expert methods for determining the consumer characteristics of finished apple chips. The article presents the results of research on the development of technology for the production of apple chips based on an assessment of the technological and consumer characteristics of the Jonagold, Golden, Granny, and Jeramin apple varieties. It has been established that to process them into apple chips it is necessary to select varieties of winter and late winter ripening. The selected ingredient composition of the blanched solution is 30 wt. % sucrose, 1.5 wt. % ascorbic acid, 0.5 wt. % citric acid. The cutting thickness of apple slices should be in the range of 1.5-2.5 mm. Regime parameters for processing apple plates in solution: t = 45-50 0C, processing time 3-5 minutes. The drying parameters for blanched apple plates have been set: t=100-110 0C, drying time 12-14 hours. The moisture content of the finished apple chips was 15%.


Apples, variety, raw materials, apple chips, fruit snacks, blanched solution, recipe, ingredient composition, drying, organoleptic and physicochemical parameters, technology, regime parameters, results

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140305891   |   DOI: 10.48184/2304-568X-2024-2-43-53

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