Reform of the school in 1984: preconditions and expectations

Бесплатный доступ

The article reveals the main ideas and regulations developed by the Soviet state authorities in the preparation of the reform of general and vocational education in 1984. The reform became the first attempt to fundamentally modernize the most important sphere of the Soviet society in the conditions of the emerging crisis, determined the main directions for preparing a new person for new transformations. The history of the 1984 reform shows that public consensus is a mandatory condition for implementing educational reform. Based on an analysis of the reform documents, it is concluded that despite the difficulties of its implementation, it was a well-thought-out and optimal attempt for that historical period of the country's development to create a modern system of general education ready for further development in the conditions of the Soviet society. Specific problems of public education that arose during the stagnation period are examined in detail: inconsistency of curricula and programs with the level of scientific knowledge at that time, insufficient professional training of teachers


Soviet education system, school reform, educational policy, ideological-moral and labor upbringing of students

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328400   |   DOI: 10.18101/2307-3330-2023-4-3-11

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