Religious scientific tourism as a new form of religious tourism

Автор: Balabeikina Olga A., Yankovskaya Anna A., Poputneva Mariia I.

Журнал: Сервис в России и за рубежом @service-rusjournal

Рубрика: Теоретические аспекты экономики и туристского сервиса

Статья в выпуске: 2 (94), 2021 года.

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For the first time in domestic and foreign scientific circulation, theoretical aspects related to the previously briefly mentioned scientific tourism of a religious orientation are revealed. It is proposed to consider this type of tourism as one of the directions of religious and educational tourism. The article offers the definition of scientific religious tourism, and also, depending on the purpose of the trip, two of its subspecies are distinguished - scientific and educational eventful and scientific expeditionary tourism. It is noted that due to the extremely low level of coverage of the problem, the sources of empirical materials are specific. One of the opportunities for the implementation of travel, caused by scientific religious tourism, are theological scientific conferences organized by monasteries and spiritual educational organizations, and some data were obtained by the method of participatory observation during the visits undertaken by the authors of those events in 2015-2020. The article shows that scientific and educational events of religious content, as well as accompanying books and other products, contribute to stimulate interest in visiting unique sacred places. The existing experience in organizing tours will diversify the offers on the market of tourist services and religious tourism of excursion and educational orientation.


Scientific religious tourism, scientific and educational event religious tourism, scientific expeditionary religious tourism, pilgrimage, scientific and theological conference, tourist of religious heritage

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140259952   |   DOI: 10.24412/1995-042X-2021-2-5-16

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