The representation of cultural-historical realities in the novel Kim by R. Kipling

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The paper analyses culture-historical realities of Tibetan Buddhism in the novel Kim by R. Kipling. In this work, which is famous for the representation of different religious and cultural traditions, the Buddhist intertext has special value, because it associated with the image of the one of the most distinctive and attractive character - the Tibetan lama. In this paper is provided the explanation for separate elements of Buddhist culture (traditions, legends, sects). The main attention is paid to the appellation «Teshoo La-ma», it's analysis includes the determination of historical prototype of this hero. The author of the paper supposes, that Kipling, which was acquainted with the Buddhist culture, creates images of Kim and lama as realization of the idea of East-West cultural synthesis.


Kipling, teshoo lama, tibetan buddhism, intercultural dialogue, cultural context, east-west cultural synthesis

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IDR: 147230253

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