Retrospective analysis of pedagogical assistance to the formation of professional flexibility of chief executives

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In a modernized economy, there is an increased need for quality training of company's chief executives with a high level of professional flexibility. The aim of this study is to identify socio-historical and theoretical-pedagogical preconditions for the formation and development of this quality in chief executives. This study analyses baseline data for further structuring and improving educational practices for professional flexibility formation. The understanding of the pedagogical assistance issue of professional flexibility formation of company's chief executives is based on a retrospective analysis. The historical retrospective is established on the following research subjects: “supplementary adult education”; “professional flexibility”; “pedagogical facilitation”; “targeting company's chief executives”. Representing the historiography of the problem the author reveals three historical periods: the 1st one is from the beginning of the 60s to the end of the 80s of the XX century; the 2nd period is from the end of the 80s of the XX century to the beginning of the 2000s; the 3rd period is from the beginning of the 2000 up to the present. The period before the 1960s is regarded as a preparatory one. It created social, scientific, and practical conditions for pedagogical assistance to the development of professional flexibility among company's chief executives.


Retrospective analysis, historiography, period, initial point, key components of the problem, professional flexibility, formation, pedagogical assistance, company's chief executives

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IDR: 147234028   |   DOI: 10.14529/ped210204

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