Непрерывное образование в течение жизни. Образование разных уровней. Рубрика в журнале - Вестник Южно-Уральского государственного университета. Серия: Образование. Педагогические науки

Публикации в рубрике (70): Непрерывное образование в течение жизни. Образование разных уровней
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"Студенты с повышенными образовательными потребностями" как педагогическое понятие

"Студенты с повышенными образовательными потребностями" как педагогическое понятие

Скоробогатова Анна Сергеевна, Сюзюмова Людмила Анатольевна

Статья научная

Статья посвящена исследованию понятийно-категориального поля «студенты с повышенными образовательными потребностями». Авторы изучили состояние вопроса в научной литературе, проанализировали следующие понятия: «человеческий ресурс», «талант», «одаренность», «когнитивная гибкость», «студент», «потребность», «образовательная потребность». В статье обоснована необходимость четкого представления о сущности ключевых понятий и их взаимосвязь, а также представлен краткий обзор нормативно-правовых документов федерального уровня, направленных на работу с молодежью с повышенными образовательными потребностями. Для исследования понятийно-категориального поля «студенты с повышенными образовательными потребностями» были использованы различные методы, такие как метод анализа документов, метод теоретического анализа, сравнения, контекстуальный и морфологический анализ. В результате работы представлено уточненное понятие «студенты с повышенными образовательными потребностями». Данное исследование является первой ступенью к дальнейшим исследованиям, так как обзор по выделенным дефинициям служит руководством для освоения предметного поля исследования «студенты с повышенными образовательными потребностями» и ляжет в основу построения педагогической модели их образования.


"Токсичное" педагогическое общение: анализ состояния, причины и признаки

"Токсичное" педагогическое общение: анализ состояния, причины и признаки

Овинова Лада Николаевна, Шрайбер Елена Григорьевна

Статья научная

Изменения в социально-педагогическом взаимодействии людей, особенно негативные, отражающиеся на педагогическом общении в вузе между преподавателем и студентом, должны подвергаться тщательному анализу и мониторингу, так как имеют непосредственное влияние на качество образования в высшей школе. Актуальность исследования продиктована обращающими на себя внимание единичными ситуациями «токсичного» общения в вузе. Цель статьи - анализ состояния педагогического общения на предмет его «токсичности». В качестве задач исследования авторами изучено понятие педагогического общения в вузе и некоторых его аспектов, связанных с проявлением «токсичности» в учебно-педагогическом взаимодействии; проанализировано понятие «токсичного» общения и его признаков; выявлены причины и предпосылки возникновения «токсичного» общения между педагогами и студентами: особенности цифрового поколения студентов, снижение коммуникативных навыков из-за влияния цифровизации и информатизации общества на становление личности обучающихся - представителя поколения Z, социальные и культурные различия преподавателей и студентов. Для исследования вопросов, связанных с проблемой «токсичного» педагогического общения и его проявления в учебно-педагогическом взаимодействии, авторами были использованы методы анализа психолого-педагогической литературы и профессиональной деятельности преподавателей, наблюдения и анонимного анкетирования преподавателей кафедры иностранных языков и студентов 1-го и 2-го курсов бакалавриата ЮУрГУ. По результатам исследования было установлено, что на сегодняшний день критических девиантных тенденций в рамках учебно-педагогического взаимодействия нет. Тем не менее для предупреждения возможных проявлений «токсичного» общения в будущем в силу ряда выявленных причин авторами на основе гуманно ориентированной системно-синергетической методологии Г.Н. Серикова предложена идея моделирования учебно-педагогического взаимодействия в рамках разработанной системы воспитательной работы кафедры иностранных языков ЮУрГУ, реализуемой преподавателями кафедры на занятиях по иностранному языку и во внеучебной деятельности через общекафедральные воспитательные мероприятия, утвержденные заведующим кафедрой. Совместная воспитательная (учебная и внеучебная) деятельность преподавателей и студентов, по мнению авторов, направленная на воспитание качеств личности и развитие коммуникативных навыков, является благоприятной средой, способствующей нивелированию трудностей и ошибок педагогического общения, повышая тем самым качество образовательного процесса в целом.


Academic integration of law and journalism ESP courses through mock trial

Academic integration of law and journalism ESP courses through mock trial

Shraiber E.G., Kolmakova V.S.

Статья научная

The paper studies academic integration of two ESP courses: Law and Journalism through the common educational setting - a role play Mock Trial. The purpose of this study is to prove that a role play is an advantageous form of making academic integration to master integrated skills while studying ESP. The research is based on integrative approach to incorporate two ESP courses and to single out integrated skills as well as competency approach to develop professional, language and other skills in the role play. After the role play was completed two surveys were conducted among students to get their feedback and to evaluate the academic integration efficiency. Likert scale and ranking method were used. We reviewed literature on ESP teaching and analyzed examples of academic integration. Moreover, we suggested authors’ implication of academic integration and justified that law and journalism can be regarded as adjacent professions as they are both human oriented. Being convinced that the role play Mock Trial is the apt integral educational setting, it was hosted to practice new integrated skill - social justice as an anchor for professional and personal qualities. The results of the study aimed at enhancing integrated skills can also be applicable for other ESP settings. The research might encourage ESP teachers to design valuable educational settings to incorporate different ESP fields which may share common professional purposes to develop integrated skills.


Developing politeness skills of university students in teaching business writing

Developing politeness skills of university students in teaching business writing

Shapkina E.V.

Статья научная

The necessity to improve business interaction and to develop new approaches to study politeness, as an essential category of communication, has determined the need to develop a methodology to teach business writing for future professionals. Thus, the paper aims to study the linguistic politeness means and further develop a system of exercises for university students to write business letters effectively based on the study of politeness. The study uses the descriptive method to determine the choice of linguistic means to express politeness as well as the method of pedagogical construction to produce an effective methodic system to write business letters in English. The results show that business letters use two types of politeness strategies: the intimacy strategy (aiming at establishing and developing business contacts) and the distance strategy (aiming at preventing conflicts). These strategies use a particular set of speech acts that are represented by specific speech cliché or formulas. Finally, the paper suggests the methodic system including five stages: introducing the concept of politeness and its linguistic means; analyzing the means of politeness in sample business letters; developing lexical skills of politeness; writing business letters based on the samples and schemes; practicing reading and writing business letters imitating the real communicative situations.


Implementation of the blended learning technology in the South Ural State University

Implementation of the blended learning technology in the South Ural State University

Kolegova I.A., Levina I.A.

Статья научная

Level system of foreign language learning is a widespread world practice. It is successfully implemented by leading universities around the world. In recent years, there has been an increasing interest in blended learning that combines online and face-to-face classroom practices. Since 2016, South Ural State University (SUSU) has been implementing this practice. The main goal of which is to transform the university into a SMART one in order to form the basis for the region’s sustainable development and make a significant contribution to education and science of the whole world. The key aspects of blended learning system in SUSU are: the development of individual activity style depending on the initial level of language proficiency; placement tests development in order to form groups by levels with online support for them; working out the appropriate score-rating system for monitoring students' progress at each level. Also, for the first time the university has applied the final results assessment practice in accordance with the international exams format such as KET, PET and IELTS. The aim of our research is to study the satisfaction level of students of non-linguistic specialties from the quality of education and to analyze the implementation process of the blended learning technology. During the research the following tasks were set and solved: 1. The experience of using blended learning in educational process was analyzed; 2. The comparative analysis of the initial and final level of language proficiency for the students of non-linguistic specialties was made; 3. The features of A1-B2 online support were described; 4. The types of classroom and extracurricular activities were considered (the percentage of independent and classroom work); 5. The level of satisfaction among students of non-linguistic specialties from the quality of education in the context of the educational program and the implementation of the blended learning system was analyzed. In conclusion it should be noted that this research has shown that the implementation of blended learning technology in educational process has a positive impact on students' learning. As a result of it, the level of students` satisfaction has become higher.


Innovative technology in blended learning: general English course design and its implementation for university students

Innovative technology in blended learning: general English course design and its implementation for university students

Stavtseva I.V., Kolegova I.A.

Статья научная

Data exchange in the 21st century becomes a crucial engine for all the processes, ideas, trends and breakthroughs in any professional sphere. This fact has two main implications: education as an institution needs revisiting; higher education must change in the most effective way to ensure professional success of the graduates. English as a professional and academic lingua franca should constitute an academic environment even in non-English speaking countries. The paper deals with the issues of blended learning and development of its online component. The objective of the research is to prove the positive influence of blended learning technology on educational outcomes in English as a foreign language (EFL) classes for university students of various CEFR (the Common European Framework of Reference) levels in the digital era. The methods used include the literature analysis and the experiment with twenty groups of students having traditional and blended learning classes. The results of the experiment were assessed via 1) IELTS-type test, 2) Moodle statistics, 3) students’ in-class participation, 4) instructors’ feedback, and 5) students’ feedback. The results show that blended learning has improved students’ reading skills, enlarged their vocabulary, enhanced their grammar ability compared with the traditional classes without online management system support, but the most critical issue is that blended learning has optimized classroom practice, reduced teacher’s preparation time, and stimulated students’ efforts.


Module and project-based teaching of foreign language to future economists

Module and project-based teaching of foreign language to future economists

Kolegova I.A., Levina I.A.

Статья научная

Innovative teaching technologies in higher education are aimed at economists who have digital literacy in the field of business informatics, are able to think flexibly and creatively, can understand world-class research. The contradictions that arise between the high requirements of modern society and the insufficiently developed methods of instruction for English for Specific Purposes language for economists have led to the need to develop a new teaching technology. The purpose of the study is to analyze the impact of module and project-based teaching on the academic performance of economists during the study of English language. The article reveals the key aspects of module and project-based teaching of foreign language at the Higher School of Economics and Management of the South Ural State University. On the basis of theoretical (analysis of modern scientific and methodological literature) and empirical (Internet survey, questioning, mathematical processing of the data obtained) methods, a model of module and project-based teaching was developed, the level of academic progress of students was assessed, a comparative analysis of two terms of study was carried out, the level of students’ satisfaction with the training was analyzed. The results show that module and project-based teaching had a positive impact on students’ performance and increased students’ satisfaction with the educational process.


Noospheric personality: competencies in distance learning environment

Noospheric personality: competencies in distance learning environment

Geykhman L.K., Stavtseva I.V.

Статья научная

Since human civilization, including the educational system, is currently experiencing a deep crisis, the issues of noogenesis are becoming especially relevant. It means that the development of society is primarily the spiritual development of each individual, who is ready for productive interaction in order to save the planet from human destruction. Nevertheless, the situation of COVID19 pandemic showed how the modern world is losing its face-to-face communication becoming more computer-mediated, data-overwhelmed and online-dependent. Consequently, the task of forming the noospheric personality becomes crucial in new conditions, and this task can be solved by pedagogy. The current paper defines noospheric personality and addresses the issues of competence development in distance learning. The objective of the research is to develop the model of due competences in distance learning noosphere. The methods used include the analysis of the theories and concepts in the references provided and modeling the pedagogical process. The results are represented in two interconnected pedagogical models: the model of distance learning participants’ interaction system in the aspect of noospheric pedagogy and competence model of noospheric personality. The interaction model structurally summarises the process of distance learning communications while competence model outlines the content of noospheric personality’s development, pointing out the transition from competences to personal culture and highlighting the importance of civic consciousness as the main mover that brings real change. The research demonstrates a new efficient way of dealing with modern systemic educational crisis and can be used as a guide in making distance learning programs and courses.


Professional and psychological readiness of future police officers for work in the internal affairs’ bodies

Professional and psychological readiness of future police officers for work in the internal affairs’ bodies

Kim N.P., Fedotova Y.S., Kandalina Y.M., Matveyeva N.A.

Статья научная

Currently, the entire world community is facing fundamental changes and reforms in many government structures and spheres of public life. In modern society, there is an increase in socially dangerous trends, which necessitates the need to improve education in the field of initial professional training of internal affairs officers and to search for pedagogical means and technologies for the development of personal and professional-pedagogical qualities of future police officers. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate the need for the formation of psychological and pedagogical skills and qualities that form the basis of professional and psychological readiness and to identify the level of development of psychological and pedagogical skills and qualities of students of the higher school of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The authors analyzed the scientific literature, normative documents regulating the organization of activities of educational institutions in the system of the Ministry of Internal Affairs; and the curricula for initial professional training courses at the Ministry of Internal Affairs. The data from a questionnaire survey of 350 students in initial professional training courses for senior, private and junior commanding officers were compared with the results of expert assessments of teachers conducting classes. As a result, the data were obtained on the level of development of professional psychological skills, qualities and resilience of students. The authors substantiate the need to increase the number of training hours studied within the discipline “Fundamentals of Psychological Readiness”, but also to meaningfully change the discipline content to develop students’ pedagogical, technical and psychological skills, professional thinking and professional psychological readiness. This work contributes to the development of the theoretical foundations for the formation of professional and psychological readiness among future police officers. The results of the study can be used in the development of educational programs for students at departmental universities and for students of initial professional training courses.


Reflections on achievements and shortcomings in the IELTS exam in a technical university over an eight-year period

Reflections on achievements and shortcomings in the IELTS exam in a technical university over an eight-year period

Rossikhina O.G., Chernushkina N.V., Ermakova P.V.

Статья научная

IELTS exam is an internationally recognized tool to measure students’ proficiency in academic English, and in anglophone countries it often plays a role of a gatekeeper to a university. At National University of Science and Technology MISiS (NUST MISiS) IELTS exam, on the contrary, completes a four-year long English course for all majors. IELTS exam was used as the unique KPI of the program effectiveness, enabling the department to monitor graduates’ proficiency throughout eight years, track its dynamics against the placement test levels, and oversee the factors which affect final results. The data obtained from 5600 engineering students revealed that no more than 50% could achieve the target B2/C1. There was a strong correlation between the entrance levels and final IELTS results, except for the COVID-19 year (KPI = 38%). Trajectories drawn for each starting level statistically confirm the primacy of this factor. The entrants with the initial A1 level could hardly achieve B2 (11%), while A2 cohort were in the zone of perspective growth (57%). Among other factors that impede setting higher KPI the authors name the nature of the university environment with the high flexibility of a student population, and their motivation to take IELTS. These findings demonstrate that actual effectiveness of a program can differ significantly from theoretical expectations, and this should be taken into account by course designers.


Retrospective analysis of future masters’ training for professional communication in the scientific community

Retrospective analysis of future masters’ training for professional communication in the scientific community

Elsakova R.Z.

Статья научная

The problem of getting future masters ready for professional communication in the scientific community is considered on the basis of a retrospective analysis. This problem is influenced by the processes of internationalization in education and integration of scientific, educational and production areas. The historical retrospective is made on the basis of the following criteria: 1) the formation of masters' education, 2) the development of scientific communication, 3) the development of foreign language education, 4) the formation of language for professional purposes. Representing the historiography of the problem the author reveals three main periods: from 45th to 60s of the 20th century; from 70th to 90s of the 20th century; from the beginning of the 2000s to the present. The period before 1945 is considered a preparatory one. It created social, scientific and practical conditions for training future masters for professional communication in the scientific community.


Retrospective analysis of pedagogical assistance to the formation of professional flexibility of chief executives

Retrospective analysis of pedagogical assistance to the formation of professional flexibility of chief executives

Syuzyumova L.A.

Статья научная

In a modernized economy, there is an increased need for quality training of company's chief executives with a high level of professional flexibility. The aim of this study is to identify socio-historical and theoretical-pedagogical preconditions for the formation and development of this quality in chief executives. This study analyses baseline data for further structuring and improving educational practices for professional flexibility formation. The understanding of the pedagogical assistance issue of professional flexibility formation of company's chief executives is based on a retrospective analysis. The historical retrospective is established on the following research subjects: “supplementary adult education”; “professional flexibility”; “pedagogical facilitation”; “targeting company's chief executives”. Representing the historiography of the problem the author reveals three historical periods: the 1st one is from the beginning of the 60s to the end of the 80s of the XX century; the 2nd period is from the end of the 80s of the XX century to the beginning of the 2000s; the 3rd period is from the beginning of the 2000 up to the present. The period before the 1960s is regarded as a preparatory one. It created social, scientific, and practical conditions for pedagogical assistance to the development of professional flexibility among company's chief executives.


The concept of modeling a psychologically comfortable environment in physical education organizations

The concept of modeling a psychologically comfortable environment in physical education organizations

Osipova I.S., Suvorova S.L., Khilchenko T.V.

Статья научная

Current trends in the sphere of physical education and sports are reflected in the functioning of physical education organizations. One of the conditions for success is the creation and management of a psychologically comfortable environment. This article is an attempt to solve the problem of modeling a psychologically comfortable environment in physical education organizations in administrative, methodological and technological aspects. To consider the theoretical aspects of the problem and develop the concept, the methods of the literature review, analysis of sports organizations teachers’ professional activities, observation and modeling were used. The result of scientific research was the authors’ concept of modeling a psychologically comfortable environment in physical education organizations. The conceptual components of a psychologically comfortable environment were identified. They are emotional, cognitive, and behavioral ones. The problem of creating a psychologically comfortable environment in a physical education organization is considered taking into account the principles of parity and participativeness, which allow us to analyze the effectiveness of modeling a psychologically comfortable environment in an organization. Methodological and technological aspects of a practical solution to the problem are presented as the conditions for the implementation of the model developed by the authors. The conditions are: the formation of interpersonal relationships in a physical education organization based on the reference significance of the environment; psychological prevention and correction; the introduction of psychological strategies to support the employees of a physical education organization. These conditions and the concept were tested in a pilot version of the physical education organizations of Shadrinsk. The data obtained indicate the effectiveness of the concept and the conditions created.


The impact of modular learning of English for specific purposes on students’ satisfaction of education process

The impact of modular learning of English for specific purposes on students’ satisfaction of education process

Kolegova I.A., Levina I.A.

Статья научная

The development of the education system in Russia is considered as one of the most important strategic goals of the society. The professionalization of teaching a foreign language at the universities is a global trend. ESP (English for Specific Purposes) has become increasingly important as there has been an increase in vocational training and learning throughout the world. The article reveals the key theoretical and practical aspects of the system of modular learning in the South Ural State University, the Higher School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science, as a new design for the teaching and learning cooperation. The principle of modular organization of educational material involves the organization of training in the form of professionally-oriented modules. The paper defines the term “module”, describes the criteria for selecting educational material, outlines the structure of a module and a set of exercises. The aim of our research was to study the satisfaction level of students with the quality of education and to analyze the implementation process of the modular learning. The following tasks were solved: the experience of using modular learning in educational process was analyzed, the level of students’ satisfaction with the quality of education system was evaluated. Theoretical (analysis of modern scientific and methodological literature) and empirical (questionnaire, mathematical processing of the obtained data) methods are applied in the study. The research shows that the implementation of modular learning had a positive impact on students' outcomes and the level of students` satisfaction with the education process increased.


Theoretical and methodological bases of formation of the university students' readiness for media educational activity

Theoretical and methodological bases of formation of the university students' readiness for media educational activity

Suvorova S.L., Knyazheva A.V.

Статья научная

The article considers theoretical foundations for the formation of university students' readiness for media educational activities. The authors formed the frame structure of the terminological field of the problem and described the substantive-semantic content of the central concept of the study “students' readiness for media educational activity”. Readiness for media educational activities is considered from the point of view of structural, functional and systemic approaches and is interpreted as a type of professional readiness, including knowledge of the structure, language and theory of media, perception, interpretation, creation of media text and its adaptation for students, experience in using media technologies and individually professional qualities necessary to implement professional pedagogical activity. The article presents the results of an analysis of the historiography of the problem of the formation of future teachers' readiness for media educational activities in three main periods. For each period the authors analyze the level of formation of scientific ideas on the central concepts of research and the development trends of the problem under study. Based on the data obtained, the scientific basis for the design of the pedagogical system for the formation of university students' readiness for media educational activity is described and a definition of this system is given. The authors consider the interactive approach and the information and communication approach based on the digitalization of education as theoretical and methodological approaches to the development of the system.


Theoretical construct of young learners’ intercultural competence and its practical application

Theoretical construct of young learners’ intercultural competence and its practical application

Kravchenko N.V., Mikheeva N.F.

Статья научная

The relevance of the study is explained by the current political situation, where peace and friendship between representatives of various peoples is of importance. Foreign languages could be used as a means of teaching peaceful and effective interaction between representatives of different nations. The article deals with the issue of determining the intercultural competence of Russian-speaking primary school students. The aim of the study is to identify and describe the components of the intercultural competence of Russian youth. The study is based on the method of studying advanced pedagogical experience and the modeling method. The analysis of the works of V. Safonova and M. Bayram, of a number of international projects, European and Russian regulatory documents in the field of education allowed the authors to develop a theoretical construct of intercultural competence for children of primary school age. The construct includes a set of knowledge, skills, abilities and attitudes that elementary school students must acquire for effective intercultural communication. The novelty of the study lies in the analysis of cases which served as examples of practical ways to develop intercultural competence in children of primary school age.


Взаимосвязь динамики личностного роста и сформированности личностных копинг-ресурсов подростков

Взаимосвязь динамики личностного роста и сформированности личностных копинг-ресурсов подростков

Серышева Олеся Михайловна

Статья научная

Актуализирована проблема формирования ценностных ориентаций подростков в условиях общеобразовательной организации. Представлен обзор взглядов современных исследователей на понятия «личностный рост», «копинг», «копинг-ресурсы», обоснована идея взаимосвязи этих понятий. Раскрыто состояние проблемы личностного роста подростков в условиях современной общеобразовательной организации. Показана возможность оценки сформированности личностных копинг-ресурсов подростков путем изучения динамики показателей ценностного отношения подростков к семье, себе, человеку на основе диагностической методики оценки личностного роста И.В. Кулешовой, П.В. Степанова, Д.В. Григорьева. Представлена характеристика основных результатов исследования личностного роста обучающихся 5-11-х классов. Выявлены и описаны возможные причины, оказывающие влияние на личностный рост школьника. Сделан вывод о том, что сформированность ценностного отношения подростков к окружающему миру и к самим себе напрямую связана с развитием личностных копинг-ресурсов, которые, в свою очередь, влияют на личностный рост.


Влияние дуальной системы профессионального образования на качество подготовки обучающихся организаций СПО

Влияние дуальной системы профессионального образования на качество подготовки обучающихся организаций СПО

Беликов Владимир Александрович, Романов Петр Юрьевич, Павленко Дмитрий Иванович, Филиппов Александр Михайлович

Статья научная

На основе изучения опыта реализации дуального образования за рубежом, анализа систем практико-ориентированного среднего профессионального образования в Российской Федерации и Республике Казахстан в статье представлены результаты теоретического и экспериментального исследования практико-ориентированной модели дуальной системы профессионального образования студентов организаций СПО. Рассмотрены отличительные признаки и структурные особенности дуальной системы профессионального образования. Исследование проблемы обеспечения качества среднего профессионального образования студентов колледжей проводилось путем реализации практико-ориентированной модели дуального образования в рамках авторской концепции, основанной на требованиях системного, деятельностного и акмеологического подходов. Основными методами исследования явились методы анализа существующих системы дуального образования, моделирования процесса профессиональной подготовки студентов колледжей, эксперимента, анкетирования и экспертной оценки. Дуальное профессиональное образование рассматривается как система, обеспечивающая последовательное воплощение на практике заранее спланированного процесса профессионального образования и развития студентов в условиях теоретической подготовки в учреждении среднего профессионального образования и производственного обучения на предприятии. В статье приведены уточненные признаки понятий «дуальное образование» и «дуальная система профессионального образования», представлен основной результат исследования авторов - практико-ориентированная модель дуального образования обучающихся организаций СПО, определены критерии ее эффективности. Доказано, что профессиональная подготовка студентов организаций СПО в системе дуального образования обеспечивает повышение качества образовательной деятельности и повышает уровень развития личности студентов, а также гарантирует в целом подготовку профессиональных кадров в соответствии с образовательным заказом и требованиями ФГОС СПО РФ и ГОСО РК. В статье приводятся экспериментальные данные, подтверждающие, что организация процесса профессиональной подготовки студентов колледжа в рамках практико-ориентированной модели обеспечивает переход обучающихся на более высокие уровни качества образовательной деятельности организации СПО и производственной деятельности предприятия. Полученные результаты расширяют понимание роли и особенностей дуальной системы профессионального образования, определяют пути и формы ее реализации. Разработанная практико-ориентированная модель дуального образования представляет собой значительный вклад в решение проблем обеспечения качества профессиональной подготовки студентов организаций среднего профессионального образования.


Вопрошание как метод современного наставничества

Вопрошание как метод современного наставничества

Данилова Вера Леонидовна, Елизарова Елена Михайловна, Карастелев Вадим Евгеньевич

Статья научная

В статье поставлена проблема передачи опыта в условиях, когда производственные умения опытного сотрудника в силу появления новых технологий могут оказаться неадекватными современной ситуации. Авторы предлагают эскиз концепции наставничества нового типа. Его основными особенностями являются: дифференцированное отношение наставника к собственному опыту, способность выделить в нем актуальные и устаревшие компоненты, внимание к своеобразию ситуаций протеже и его запросам, умение помочь протеже проанализировать свои затруднения и сформулировать запрос на наставничество. Выделены умения, относящиеся к общей грамотности наставника: умение задать содержательные и осмысленные вопросы как относительно своего опыта, так и относительно ситуации протеже, умение помочь протеже поставить свои собственные вопросы о своей ситуации и сформулировать запрос на помощь наставника. В связи с этим сформулирована гипотеза о месте, которое в подготовке наставников должно занимать обучение их интерактивному вопрошанию, и описан эксперимент, подтверждающий эффективность этих техник.


Информационно-управленческий характер деятельности преподавателя вуза как императив образования 4.0

Информационно-управленческий характер деятельности преподавателя вуза как императив образования 4.0

Астахова Людмила Викторовна

Статья научная

В статье обоснована актуальность усиления информационно-управленческого характера деятельности преподавателя вуза в условиях Образования 4.0. Выявлено противоречие между потребностью в преподавателях, способных осуществлять такую деятельность, и недостаточным вниманием к этому вопросу в педагогической теории и практике. Этим обусловлена цель статьи - обосновать сущность информационно-управленческой деятельности преподавателя вуза и требования к его информационно-управленческим компетенциям в условиях Образования 4.0. В качестве методологической основы в ходе исследования использованы концепция Индустрии 4.0, Образования 4.0, теория управления, а также аналитико-синтетические методы. Научная новизна работы состоит в обосновании требований к информационно-управленческим компетенциям преподавателя вуза в условиях Образования 4.0: функциональным навыкам управления, поведенческим навыкам, а также к способности поддерживать достаточный уровень ситуационной осведомленности о функциональной среде студента в реальном времени и пространстве. Теоретическая значимость исследования заключена в выявлении сущности информационно-управленческой деятельности преподавателя вуза, который должен быть субъектом направляемого, ситуационного развития личности студента согласно выявленным тенденциям его развития, стремлениям и целям с учетом динамично меняющихся информационных ситуаций. Возможности реализации развития обоснованных компетенций в образовательном процессе в вузе свидетельствует о практической значимости исследования.

