A retrospective survey of several studies on problem of music and theatre effect on the development of an integrated personality of a child

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In this article the author presents a summary of scientific sources of Russian pedagogy and cultural studies as well as philosophical, psychology-educational, musical-educational and theatrical literature. The article contains informative analytical capacity, reflecting the theoretical issues and the problem of implementation of musical theatrical technology, structural and didactic model of staging into curriculum of educational institutions. We use the findings of the scientific works of the classics of pedagogical sciences, monographs and theses of modern researchers to find out new opportunities in the field of education, improving the efficiency of studying and personal development of pupils by means of musical and theatrical activities.


Artistic and aesthetic development, theatre pedagogy, theatricalization at school, teaching methodology of musical-theatre activities

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148101479

IDR: 148101479

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