The role of the humanities in the formation of future engineers’ meta-subject competences

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The subject of the article is the importance of the humanities in the formation of future engineers’ meta-subject competences. The main theme - the role of the humanities in the training of highly qualified, competitive engineers. The work purpose - analysis of humanities place in the formation of professional readiness, professionally significant personal qualities of future specialist in the process of humanities disciplines studying. The methodology of work is to find areas of research related to the theoretical support of students’ readiness formation to highly competitive engineering. The results contain an analytical review of the formed competencies, expected learning outcomes for humanities disciplines. The scope of the results is the process of formation and development of future engineers’ meta-subject competences by means of humanities disciplines. Conclusion. Introduction humanities disciplines in the educational process while preparing engineering skills contribute to the development of meta-subject competence of personality, generation of educational outcomes in their future professional activities.


Meta-subject competence, all purpose learning activities, meta-subject results, cognitive activity, communicative activity, speech culture

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ID: 148102583
