Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Мировая наука

Публикации в рубрике (3935): Основной раздел
все рубрики
Development of theory and methods of calculation belt conveyor with outboard carrying rollers for mining companies

Development of theory and methods of calculation belt conveyor with outboard carrying rollers for mining companies

Mirzaqulov I.N., Jumanazarov S.S.

Статья научная

Belt conveyors, being one of the most efficient and high-performance types of conveyor transport, are widely used in underground and open-pit mining operations. The use of belt conveyors provides an intensive development path for mining enterprises, allowing the use of in-line and cycle-in-line technology, and the widespread introduction of automatization of production processes, while meeting modern environmental requirements.


Development strategy of Uzbekistan and national idea

Development strategy of Uzbekistan and national idea

Murodov Adxam

Статья научная

In this article highlights of development strategy of Uzbekistan, means of national idea and its importance in the life of society.


Diabetic nephropathy

Diabetic nephropathy

Mominova N.A.

Статья научная

Hyperlipidemia - hyperlipidemia plays a huge role in the development of DN, which characterized increase content general cholesterol, lipoproteins low density (LDL) And lipoproteins Very low density (VLDL), reduction level lipoproteins high density (HDL) And Also leads to kidney pathology. For a long time this factor were not taken into account, only after research JF Moorhead And J Diamond hyperlipidemia began to be seen as quite serious nephrotoxic factor. So way, implementation damaging impact Togo or other factor a will depend from character interaction genetically conditioned activity this factor a And genetically conditioned receptivity To his influence.


Diagnosis and treatment of adenoiditis in children

Diagnosis and treatment of adenoiditis in children

Razakov B.Yu.

Статья научная

Chronic inflammation of the lymphoid structures of the nasopharynx is often found in the practice of an outpatient and inpatient doctor, has a tendency to relapse and complications from the middle ear. Most often, this pathology occurs in pediatric practice due to the peculiarities of the nasopharyngeal microbiome, virulence and invasiveness of microorganisms, anatomical and physiological features of the structure and proximity of the pharyngeal tonsil (GM) to the pharyngeal orifices of the auditory tubes, which provide aeration of the tympanic cavity and maintain normal tubotympanic pressure and the immunobiological state of the body. In the treatment of chronic inflammation of the adenoids, numerous methods and means are used, but their effectiveness is still insufficient. One of the causes of long-term, sluggish, recurrent, difficult to treat chronic diseases is a decrease in the body's resistance. Such changes occur primarily due to the frequent and unjustified use of systemic antibiotic therapy, including against the background of a reduced reactivity of the immune system in frequently ill children.


Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis disease

Diagnosis of multiple sclerosis disease

Oripov Sh.Q.

Статья научная

Many neurologists do not pay attention to cognitive impairment in patients with multiple sclerosis, and as a result, cognitive impairment is overlooked and not recorded in the EDSS disability scale used in practice. Although focal changes are not detected in patients with impaired cognitive function, their quality of life is significantly lower. Cognitive disorders, in turn, lead to social consequences in the lives of patients, such as loss of ability to work, disability.


Diagnostic methods of prematurephenomenons of diabetic microangiopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2

Diagnostic methods of prematurephenomenons of diabetic microangiopathy in patients with diabetes mellitus type 2

Bekashev I.B., Yusupova Sh.K., Sultonov Q.I., Madaminov O.V., Mamajonov D.N.

Статья научная

Type 2 diabetes mellitus belongs to the risk factors for the development of cardiovascular diseases, which are currently the main cause of early disability and mortality in the working-age population. According to Panzram G., diabetes mellitus increases mortality 2-3 times, the risk of coronary heart disease and myocardial infarction - 2 times, kidney pathology - 17 times, gangrene of the lower extremities - 20 times, arterial hypertension - more than three times.


Dialectics as the art of inquiry

Dialectics as the art of inquiry

Sattarov A.M.

Статья научная

This article discusses dialectics as the art of research


Didactic game as motivation of learning English

Didactic game as motivation of learning English

Abbasova D.B.

Статья научная

Recently, interest in the English language has increased significantly. So didactic games played important role in the learning English language.


Didactic potential of modern means of teaching foreign languages

Didactic potential of modern means of teaching foreign languages

Mnajova Almagul Nietbaevna

Статья научная

The article considers the didactic potential of modern means of teaching foreign languages to pupils, as well as the possibility of using the Internet when teaching a foreign language to pupils, the use of multimedia presentations.


Difference between micro and macroeconomics

Difference between micro and macroeconomics

Bakieva I.A., Azamov A., Sodikov I.

Статья научная

This article addresses the issue of limited resources in the modern world.


Different stages of training activities

Different stages of training activities

Uroqova S.B.

Статья научная

The paper presents an innovative approach to testing athletes. It is proposed to take as a basis the setting when each athlete strives to achieve his personal goal in physical fitness, in health promotion.


Different techniques of teaching and errors correcting in English language

Different techniques of teaching and errors correcting in English language

Orazova Ch., Meredova G.D.

Статья научная

1) to collect linguistic material necessary for research; 2) processing the collected linguistic material for the purpose of the work; 3) study the theoretical literature on the investigated problem; 4) choosing methods of investigation; 5) describe the analysis in a systematic manner; 6) propose concrete results for the work. The discovery of modern methods of bilingual teaching and error correction and their effective application is the scientific innovation of this work. The material and results of this study can be used to teach English language teaching methodology to students and language teachers. We hope that what is said, the examples presented are proved on the basis of valuable materials and will be useful from the point of view of English language teaching methodology.


Directions in macroeconomics

Directions in macroeconomics

Bakieva I.A., Shavkatbekov F., Mirzaev M.

Статья научная

This article discusses methods for implementing macroeconomic policy and the process of macroeconomic development.


Discussion as one of the methods of formation of speaking skills in English lessons

Discussion as one of the methods of formation of speaking skills in English lessons

Sattorova Munojat Sayfullaxujaevna, Sattorov Ahadjon Aliyevich

Статья научная

The article identifies and justifies the need to use the method of discussion in foreign language lessons.


Dissemination of psychological influence in the modern society

Dissemination of psychological influence in the modern society

Mukhitdinova I.N.

Статья научная

In this article is considered the life of psychology as a humanities


E-commerce business cycle

E-commerce business cycle

Kodirov E.

Статья научная

This article deals with the study of key features of e-commerce, identifying priorities for e-commerce development, re-organization of business for e-business, learning technologies and creating e-commerce software, learns issues.


ESP (English for specific purpose) oriented English language training

ESP (English for specific purpose) oriented English language training

Azamov Sh. A.

Статья научная

In article is analyzed urgency of the professional oriented education English and are considered cardinal principles of this approach.


ESP or professionally oriented English language training

ESP or professionally oriented English language training

Safarova Z.T.

Статья научная

ESP (English for a specific purpose) or professionally -oriented English language training.


Eastern and western experience of labor culture

Eastern and western experience of labor culture

Holmirzaev N.N.

Статья научная

This article discusses the eastern and western experience of labor culture.


Ecological education is an integral part of national education

Ecological education is an integral part of national education

Xudaynazarov S.X.

Статья научная

In given article it is a question about a fiction role in formation ecological cultures of a society and the person.

