Основной раздел. Рубрика в журнале - Мировая наука

Публикации в рубрике (3775): Основной раздел
все рубрики
Game form in teaching a foreign language

Game form in teaching a foreign language

Tukhtaboeva O.A.

Статья научная

There is a wide range of ways to develop communicative and linguistic-cultural competence in foreign language teaching methods. The purpose of teaching a foreign language is not its language system, but communication in the language being studied.


Globalization, global governance and multinational corporations

Globalization, global governance and multinational corporations

Rakhmatov D.N., Qudratov J.B., Jumagalieva J.U.

Статья научная

In this article highlights globalization and it’s effect to the economic market and corporations.


Grammatical features of the scientific and technical text mining and geological specialties

Grammatical features of the scientific and technical text mining and geological specialties

Almardanova Z.Ch.

Статья научная

In this article definition and consideration of grammatical peculiarities of a scientific technical text in the process of its translation in the mining and geological specialties.


Great heritage of Ibn Arabi

Great heritage of Ibn Arabi

Qodirova Y.B.

Статья научная

In this article highlights of importance of Ibn Arabiy’s work and its issues knowledge.


Green wall or vertical garden

Green wall or vertical garden

Rakhmonova G.A.

Статья научная

This article highlights the “Green Wall” or “Vertical Garden” area, which is a radical turning point in today’s architecture and design industry, and highlights its benefits and importance in room and building interiors. In addition, excellent recommendations for the use of such a new area of architecture have been given to the saline areas of Uzbekistan and the damp walls.


HR-бренд как мощный инструмент развития бизнеса

HR-бренд как мощный инструмент развития бизнеса

Куренкова В.Д.

Статья научная

Статья посвящена значению HR-бренда для бизнеса. В работе рассмотрено его влияние на различные сферы управления персоналом. Рассматривается роль ценностного предложения работодателя в HR-бренде. Обосновывается, что HR-бренд является важным элементом деятельности предприятия.


Healthcare system in Uzbekistan and its legal framework

Healthcare system in Uzbekistan and its legal framework

Ibragimova Xanifa Matkarimovna, Ubaydullayeva Dilfuza Djurabayevna

Статья научная

In this article described healthcare system in Uzbekistan and its legal framework, reforms and practice.


Heritage of agricultural products and population of hospital

Heritage of agricultural products and population of hospital

Abduxalilova D.

Статья научная

This article focuses on the conservation and processing of agricultural products and is aimed at ensuring the continuity of our agricultural products in our markets.


Historical and philosophical basis of civil society

Historical and philosophical basis of civil society

Kadirov M.B.

Статья научная

This article discusses the historical and philosophical foundations of civil society


Historical learning of pilgrimage places in Ferghana region

Historical learning of pilgrimage places in Ferghana region

Pathiddinov R.

Статья научная

In this article described historical learning of pilgrimage places in ferghana region.


Historical roots of civil society in Central Asia

Historical roots of civil society in Central Asia

Barnoev S.K.

Статья научная

Historical roots of civil society in Central Asia. The concept of civil society. Avesto and civil society. The concept of state and law in Islam. Amir Temur and "codes of Temur".


Historical roots of civil society in Central Asia

Historical roots of civil society in Central Asia

Shukurov T.A.

Статья научная

The article talks about the historical roots of civil society in Central Asia. Particular emphasis was placed on such issues as Avesto and civil society, concepts of state and law in Islam, the characteristics of Public Administration in the “Temur tuzuklari”.


History of the formation of the concept of the presumption of innocence

History of the formation of the concept of the presumption of innocence

Kimsanov B.K.

Статья научная

This article provides information on the history of the formation of the concept of the presumption of innocence. The article discusses the history of the application of this concept in developed countries.


History of the term corruption and its effect to development

History of the term corruption and its effect to development

Abdullaeva M.S., Kamolova Sh.T.

Статья научная

A characteristic feature of corruption is a conflict between the actions of an official and the interests of his employer, or a conflict between the actions of an elected person and the interests of society.


Holiday as a form of project activity

Holiday as a form of project activity

Umrzoqov I.I., Botirova Z.H., Sharipova S.A.

Статья научная

This article considers the holiday as a form of project activity.


How to start learning a foreign language?

How to start learning a foreign language?

Muminova Xurshida Ibragimovna, Kenjayeva Zaynab Ermatovna

Статья научная

In this article highlights easy ways of learning foreign language and teaching English language.


Human factor in the spiritual development process

Human factor in the spiritual development process

Ismoilov T.I.

Статья научная

This article considers the human factor in the process of spiritual development.


Ideas of eastern scientists about pedagogical skills

Ideas of eastern scientists about pedagogical skills

Mamadaliyeva N., Egamberdiyeva Gulnora

Статья научная

The article describes the ideas, views and approaches of Eastern scholars and sages on education and training of students, as well as what qualities should prevail professional teacher.


Ideological repression and national-spiritual factors of the struggle against them

Ideological repression and national-spiritual factors of the struggle against them

Nishonova T.T., Uktamova G.A.

Статья научная

The ideas of neototalitarianism, which promote the prosperity of nations and nationalities in the conditions of a single totalitarian system, pose a great danger to the development of our society. Because the proponents of this idea propose to return the nations again to the conditions of the Empire, again to look after the paw on the values of independence.


Impact of investments on the development of the country's economy

Impact of investments on the development of the country's economy

Karimov D.R.

Статья научная

This article deals with investment issues as the main structural elements of the market

