Design system of innovative cars

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The artistic form in the modern innovative subject changing world of the society and design plays not only а social-cultural and aesthetic role, but also а chronological one. This time-series helps a consumer to understand one's place in terms of the environment and to get a general idea of time in the common structure of culture. As it is not only the form that is important, but its associative perceived place in the modern world. It can be possible by means of the creation of the contemporary design forms - namely the plastic expression of the modern style period of design in general and in the particular case-the style design of cars. An automotive design became innovative in 1960s, earlier than other kinds of massive high-tech design objects of the period of almost ten years. It means that not only the form of a mass production car (here and after МРС) has become innovative as the main vehicle design-form (real part of the system) and its plastic expression of а stylistic basis, but namely the entire system of automobile design, including first of all its hypothetical part (design research). In this paper the model of the innovative dynamic evolving system of the automobile design and its baisic characteristics (distinguishing features) of а hypothetical part of the innovative design system is presented. The innovative hypothetical part of the automobile design system is necessary for innovative dynamic changes of the style MPC plastic form (the creation time is 2 - 4 years, while the complete change in the style period in а car design is 10 years).The car design system should be able to acquire the dynamic novelty and to operate in the speed mode by means of the forecast conceptual design and even fantastic idea at the initial stage of the creation of style plastics forms of an innovation model. The modern monitoring system and innovative form process management play a significant role here.


Innovative automotive design, automobile style, plastic expression of а style, innovative car design system, real part, hypothetical part, basic characteristics of innovative system

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IDR: 148100495

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