Training and retraining system of teaching personnel and its role in education quality improvement

Автор: Busygina Alla L., Gusev Vladimir A., Levina Svetlana V., Lisachkina Valentina N., Karnaukhov Garri Z., Pavlovsky Vasilii A.

Журнал: Известия Самарского научного центра Российской академии наук. Социальные, гуманитарные, медико-биологические науки @izvestiya-ssc-human

Рубрика: Социальные науки

Статья в выпуске: 6 т.19, 2017 года.

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The education system is one of the areas in which various kinds of reform continuously happen. This is due to the fact that requirements to professionals in various branches constantly increase, new specialties and professions appear, and hence the quality of education must also increase. Obviously, quality in the education system was under consideration. However, education itself is changing, and hence there is a need for continuous reconsideration of values and goals in a new context. In the he article the problem of improving the quality of vocational education through a professional development prism where the focus is put on specialists’ personal development is considered. In this context the program of higher professional education activity modernization by development of an effective system of specialists’ professional development is offered.


Quality of education, higher education institution, professionalism, professional development

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ID: 148102574
