Independent learning activities system for students as a means of forming cognitive competence (based on pedagogical disciplines)

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the article is devoted to the problem of organizing extracurricular independent work of students in the context of students' cognitive competence formation. Based on the analysis of the essence and composition of lifelong education competencies and universal competencies for higher education, it is shown that cognitive competence is the most important component for lifelong education competence formation. In accordance with the activity approach, cognitive competence is characterized as a personality quality in the aggregate of motivational, cognitive, operational and reflexive-evaluative components. The organization model of independent educational activities is presented on the basis of the competence-based and system-activity approaches. Special place in the implementation of the activity approach is given to the formation of professional and general educational skills and student motivation to master them. The task system for independent educational students activities has been established. It includes 3 groups of tasks: a) reproductive, providing recognition and reproduction of information; b) productive, aimed at obtaining a new product based on the logical and creative application of knowledge, recoding information; c) reflexive-evaluative, associated with self-assessment of the process and results of independent learning activities and the student's personal qualities. The types of tasks in each group are presented. Attention is drawn to the need of using pedagogical support technology for students independent educational activities, ensuring its purposeful planning and providing the necessary assistance for students. Learning activities considered as the main pedagogical means of the named technology helping students to focus on the formation of cognitive competence. Information on the implementation of the independent learning activities system organization is presented, some possibilities and limitations are briefly indicated.


System-activity approach, competence of lifelong education, cognitive competence, universal competence, independent educational activity, general educational skills, educational assignments

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IDR: 147227159   |   DOI: 10.15393/

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