“Smart tuning” as a discourse technology of effective communication (on the material of the coronavirus vaccination media discourse)

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The article offers a solution to the problem of effective communication through the construction of discursive technology that is called the “Smart Tuning” technology(STT). It is positioned as one of the most effective means of achieving results in media discourse. The STT is aimed at identifying cognitive-communicative parameters and linguocognitive mechanisms that enhance the impact. The main methods used in the research include cognitive modeling, inference-driven interpretation and linguoaxiological analysis. One of the hot topics today “coronavirus vaccination” allows us to demonstrate how media discourse is managed through the powers of discourse. The peculiarities are highlighted and the hard, soft and smart discourse powers example analysis is provided. It is proved that the action of each power is based on revealed parameters (the situation attractiveness, the horizon of the addressee's expectations, the communication mode, the strength of the addresser's position, the message attraction, harmonization, modalization, patterning, multimodality, synergy, sense-rhythmic modulations, tension) and is promoted by mechanisms (involvement, defocusing, dialogization, imagining, inspiration, metaphorization, personalization, positioning, reframing, spin-doctoring, focusing, framing). It is shown that, depending on the social status of the addressee, the relationship between the addresser and the addressee, the strength of the addresser's position, the message importance, the most effective discursive power are selected to provide more efficient impact. Such mechanisms as focusing, framing, imagining, positioning were revealed as the most frequent. In the future, it is possible to expand the analysis on the material of other discourse types in other languages.


Discourse power, parameters, mechanisms, smart tuning, effective communication, vaccination, coronavirus

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/149140537

IDR: 149140537   |   DOI: 10.15688/jvolsu2.2022.3.9

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