The Cathedral of St. Peter, metropolitan of Moscow, and the traditions of the Italian renaissance in Moscow architecture of the XV-XVI centuries

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The author of the article shares his experience of guiding an architectural tour using her practical skills in cultural mediation. Our audience is citizens who are familiar with the history of architecture and urban development, and who want to understand their favorite buildings in the cultural and historical complex of a certain area, in this case, Moscow. The task of cultural mediation in this case is to establish a full dialogue between the sightseers and the building just as architectural volume in the spatial habitat that created it, since this habitat is thought as a natural mediator between the building and the people. In our case, the obstacle was Cathedral’s location restricted museum area. The Cathedral, due to its stylistic features, falls out from the ensemble of the Vysokopetrovsky Monastery. The article discusses how the restorers included the building in the space and semiotic axis of the ensemble. The key story of the excursion is the stages of the restoration of 1979 1986. The main theme of the excursion is the restoration under the direction of Boris Dedushenko which allowed the return of the main volume of the view corresponding to the true age of the Cathedral. During the tour we expand the historical and cultural context of the building, show the continuity of the architectural principles of the Italian Renaissance with Moscow architecture in the late fifteenth first half of the sixteenth centuries.


Architectural tour, cultural mediation format, Italian architecture in the late fifteenth-first half of the sixteenth century, Aleviz Fryazin (Aloisio Nuovo, Alevisio Lamberti da Montagnana), architectural restoration, Boris Dedushenko

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144162966   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2023-5115-90-100

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