Social partnership as a condition for forming construction and modeling skills in preschool children

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The article explores the issue of forming construction and modeling skills in preschool children based on social partnership. Expanding the educational space through the organization of social partnership contributes to the change and enrichment of the developmental environment of preschool educational organizations, involving partners in educational activities, integrating educational areas, and developing constructive skills in children. Technical creativity classes in kindergarten contribute to the development of children's initiative, teamwork skills, the ability to design and implement their own ideas into a concrete result in the form of a creative product. The interest of modern preschoolers in models of airplanes, rockets, and ships requires purposeful organization of teaching and support from the perspective of interaction between educators and social partners of educational organizations.


Construction, modeling, developmental environment, technical creativity, social partnership, preschool age

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148328401   |   DOI: 10.18101/2307-3330-2023-4-36-40

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