Socio-cultural heritage of Southern Europe wine-makers for the development of enotourism (wine tourism)

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The article discusses the socio-cultural significance of the winemaking in Southern Europe as a resource for the development of enotourism (wine tourism). The diverse socio-cultural experience of the modern winemakers in the region reflects the connection between past and present, between economy, culture and society. Even in the era of post-globalism, there are opportunities for the preservation and enhancement of tangible and intangible cultural heritage. Natural wine, used for centuries in the Christian church and accompanying the important life events, unites various groups of society, giving the opportunity for harmonious self-realization and socio-cultural tolerance, but only under the condition of constant comprehension: oneself, the national history, and, finally, the cultural and civilizational heritage of different countries. Vineyards and objects of tangible cultural heritage associated with winemaking have received the status of heritage in many countries of Southern Europe, and the culture of winemaking has the state support. National traditions of the winemaking are considered in connection with various types of art - music and fashion, as well as with the effective practices of museum business, advertising and PR. The authors give the examples of interaction between wineries and the museum community and note the successful tourist routes and wine festivals. The authors emphasize the importance of the experience of South European winemaking and enotourism in the creative interaction of traditions and innovations for the southern regions of modern Russia. The long-term practice of outstanding masters of Mediterranean winemaking, based on historical traditions, is an effective marketing strategy.


Winemaking, wine, enotourism, culture, tradition, southern europe, crimea

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IDR: 140293604

Список литературы Socio-cultural heritage of Southern Europe wine-makers for the development of enotourism (wine tourism)

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