Some specific aspects of education system governance carried out in period of tsar Russia in Caucasus

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In this article the process of regional model of education governing, it’s development and transition to new stage is studied. That’ why the school regulations approved in different periods, their role in education system became the object of special investigation. The process of schools of new type in Southern Caucasus, the influence of regulations on that process is studied also. It’s also pointed out, that secular schools of new type, functioned in territories, inhabited by Moslems intensified the forming of national Azerbaijani Enlightenment and that historical phenomenon was presented by pleiad of Russian -speaking intelligentsia. It’s underlined in article, that Caucasus and Northern Azerbaijan had particular military and strategic importance for the strengthening of Russian Tsarism in Middle East, for it’s all-European policy. Conquering of Caucasus was a part of “oriental problem decision” for Russian Empire. Russian Empire had the aim to keep inhabitant of it’s colonies in obedience, to conduct policy of rusification and strengthen it’s positions in Caucasus region. Russian Empire had to prepare Russian -speaking functionaries, which had to work in different state structures and carry out Russian colonial policy in regions. That purpose could be realized by opening of new, secular schools and forming of new ruling structure in education system. In article these problems are studied.


Caucasian policy of tsarist Russia, school statues and regulations, caucasus education district, district and moslem schools, pleiad of new enlighteners

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IDR: 14951343   |   DOI: 10.17748/2075-9908-2016-8-5/1-123-129

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