Tatyana's dream as a foreshadowing of Onegin's death

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Object of the article: Tatyana's dream in the novel in verse by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" (EO, V, XI-XXI). Subject of the article: the poetics of Tatyana’s dream. Purpose of research: discovering the role of the dream in the compositional structure of the novel. Results: the author argues that the final scene of Tatyana’s dream, in which Onegin kills Lensky with a knife, is, in fact, a covert foreshadowing of the symbolic death of Onegin himself at the end of the novel (EO, 8, XLVIII, 1-10). The motif of the protagonist's death is concealed in the letter-sound pattern of the text that contains an anagram of the word knife (nozh). Tense repetition of sounds н-ж-ш (n-zh-sh) throughout the novel creates a connection between the erotic motif in the stanzas devoted to praising women's "legs" (nozhki) and the motif of death from a "knife" (nozh) strike. An echo of the motif of women's "legs" (nozhki) in Tatyana's prenuptial dream ("To v hrupkom snege s nozhki miloj / Uvjaznet mokryj bashmachok") acoustically foreshadows the appearance of a long "knife" (nozh), which has a double meaning: as a murder weapon and a phallic symbol. In the final scene of the novel, the motif of legs [noshki] and the motif of the knife [nosh] are unexpectedly combined in a sound pun “no shpor nezapnyj zvon razdalsja” (8, XLVIII) in which the knife [nosh] is phonetically connected with the spur [no-shpor] that is a metonymic replacement of the foot. Field of application: literary criticism, Pushkin studies, teaching Russian literature of the 19th century. Conclusion: Tatyana's dream contains not only an obvious foreshadowing of the real death of Lensky in a duel, which has been repeatedly mentioned in Pushkin studies, but also a covert foreshadowing of Onegin's symbolic death. The possibility of this alternative semantic interpretation of the dream is based on the sound pattern of the text (repetitions, anagram).


Pushkin, tatyana, onegin, dream, foreshadowing, sound repetition, anagram, plot

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/148326113

IDR: 148326113   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-89-86-91

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