The state of some parameters of the hemostasis system in patients with aplastic anemia during complete and partial remission
Автор: Kobilyanskaya V.A., Shilova E.R., Morozova T.V., Bessmeltsev S.S.
Журнал: Вестник гематологии @bulletin-of-hematology
Рубрика: Оригинальные статьи
Статья в выпуске: 3 т.20, 2024 года.
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Aplastic anemia (AA) is a serious disease of the blood system, the etiology of which is not well understood. The pathogenesis of the disease is based on immune-mediated damage to the stem cell and the replacement of hematopoietic tissue with adipose tissue, with the subsequent development of pancytopenia in the peripheral blood. Severe hemorrhagic syndrome in patients with AA is associated with deep thrombocytopenia, as well as with a decrease in some blood coagulation factors (in particular, a decrease in the activity of factor XIII), which impairs the stability of the blood clot, and is manifested by the appearance of petechiae and ecchymoses on the skin, increased bleeding of the gums, spontaneous nosebleeds, menorrhagia. However, some patients have a tendency to hypercoagulable changes and thrombosis, which is not so widely represented in the scientific literature. The purpose of this study was to study the characteristics of laboratory testing of the hemostatic system in patients with severe and non-severe forms of the disease during the period of complete or partial remission. The object of the study was the venous blood of 30 patients diagnosed with aplastic anemia. To assess the hemostatic system, the following indicators were used: activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT index), Quick prothrombin test (PT), fibrinogen concentration (Fg), factor VIII activity, anticoagulant activity: antithrombin III (AT III) and protein C (PC) . In some patients, an increase in the activity of factor VIII and a decrease in the level of antithrombin III and protein C were determined. In some patients with severe AA, with the development of aseptic necrosis of the femoral head, a lupus anticoagulant (LA) was detected. The resulting hypercoagulable changes are a feature of laboratory studies of the hemostasis system in patients with aplastic anemia.
Aplastic anemia, hypercoagulable changes, lupus anticoagulant
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 170207412