Improving the formulation of fish-and-vegetable semi-finished product with a high fiber content

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The purpose of this study was to develop a new formulation of a fish-and-vegetable semi-finished product with a high content of dietary fiber obtained from psyllium husk powder (Plantago Psyllium). The developed recipe includes pollock, root crops (carrots and potatoes), legumes (white beans) and barley flour as binders, as well as psyllium. Pollock was chosen as the main raw material, as it is quite common on the market, has a high protein content and is widely popular with consumers. When choosing vegetable raw materials, both its familiarity and prevalence among consumers, and the functional qualities of the contained nutrients were taken into account. The proposed products are aimed at the elderly, as the psyllium contained in it helps to restore and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, the semi-finished product will allow you to replenish the daily requirement in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals and amino acids. The recipe of the fish-and-vegetable semi-finished product was optimized by mathematical modeling to obtain a given amount of dietary fiber in the product - 40 % of the daily intake and vitamin B3 - 30 %. The optimal dosage for the introduction of dietary fiber into the product is 6 kg, vitamin B3 - 4 kg and sesame oil - 5 kg per 100 kg of finished products. In the course of the study, a study was made of the rheological properties of a new type of fish and vegetable semi-finished product - cutlets, with a high content of fiber and vitamin B3. The influence of fiber, the amount of vitamin B3, as well as the influence of sesame oil on the structural, mechanical and organoleptic properties of the semi-finished product were studied. Under laboratory conditions, physicochemical and organoleptic quality indicators are determined.


Fish and vegetable semi-finished product, fiber, vitamins, sesame oil, functional product, nutritional supplements

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147241710   |   DOI: 10.14529/food230307

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