Modern integration trends in higher education

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The article examines the main integration trends in higher education system. In modern business environment, integration is widespread in organizations of different forms of incorporation and market position. Moreover, it is one of the most effective managerial approaches. At present, integration processes in the system of higher education are of top priority. Besides, they are considered to be one of the most effective transformation forms. The results of scientific work in the field of management of integrated structures contributed to the methodological base of this research. The article presents the main integration trends in higher education system, introduces integration terminology and classification, and characterizes cause-and-effect relationships of integration processes. Following flexible and well-balanced principles, the integration is proved to adapt a three-level system of higher education to political, social and economic changes. During analytical review of Ulyanovsk State University's activity it is found out that the university carries out various activities for its full and meaningful involvement in the Bologna process. First and foremost, internal system of education quality management, including external evaluation of university's activity, has been implemented. Secondly, Ulyanovsk State University is integrated into the All-Russia informational and educational space. Thirdly, research and education centers (RECs) have been developed in a format of interaction with scientific centers, Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) and Russian Academy of Education (RAE). The results of analytical research of Ulyanovsk State University's activity revealed a tendency to decreasing the number of enrolled students. The author's hypothesis is based on the fact that for sustainable development of the university and enhancing its competitive position on the education market, it is required to prioritize the development of vertical “forward” and “backward” integration. The “forward” integration is aimed at sustainable interaction with labor market, whereas the “backward” integration implies for cooperation with secondary and secondary professional educational institutions. According to the author, integration processes in the system of higher education will have a positive impact on the development of both educational and social and economic systems.


Integration processes, three-level system of higher education, education market, vertical"forward" and "backward" integration, synergy, social and economic development of society

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IDR: 147156365   |   DOI: 10.14529/em170316

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