Modern literary process and new approaches to its studying for a bachelor's degree

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In this article we only address some noticeable tendencies of modern literature. Modern literature has to designate its presence at school, which is an axiom. We, university teachers, are called on to teach our bachelors to correctly select authors, to understand, analyze their works. The aim of a higher school course of modern and latest Russian literature, in our strong belief, is first of all to acquaint students with a variety of the happening processes, to show ambiguity of many phenomena, but by no means to give categorical estimates, not to "hang labels". Decades will pass, detachment in views and estimates will appear, time will sort things out. Conclusion: " Multi-vectorness", existence of various sub-literatures within one - permanently high Russian Literature -that is what encourages and gives energy in search of new, interesting and evidential approaches to its studying.


Tendencies of modern literature, system approach to the analysis of the latest literary process

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