Structure and content of the model for training of future employees of migration units for intercultural communication in educational institutions of higher education of the MIA of the RF

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Scientific research, revealing of innovations in the system of professional police education in the Russian Federation leads to rethinking and creating perspective integrated programs and models for development of humanitarian culture of police officer personality, that isthe socially important goal of this training and at behavioral level is manifested in communication. It is proposed to form the competence of intercultural communication by means of professionally oriented foreign language training. The theoretical and methodological basis for constructing a model of training of future migration employees in educational institutions of higher education of the MIA of the RF to intercultural communication was composed by system-activity, humanitarian-anthropological and hermeneutic approaches and their principles. The training model and components of hierarchically related blocks: target, methodological, educational-methodical, didactic, evaluativeare described in detail. All components of the model are interintegrated and work towards the end result.


Preparation for intercultural communication, foreign language training, employee of the migration units, training model, educational organizations of the ministry of internal affairs of the russian federation, purpose of vocational education, system-activity approach, humanitarian and anthropological approach, hermeneutic approach


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IDR: 142243320

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