The structure of professional-competence components of the educational process in the piano class

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The article raises the problem of renew the content training future musicians-teachers in the piano class in the context of modern requirements to graduates of music-pedagogical specialization. The author substantiates the expediency of extending the list of key structural vocational and competence-based components of the educational process in the piano class taking into account the specifics of the context-competence principle of organization of training in higher educational institutions. The implementation of this methodological principle ensures graduates to achieve the high degree of professional readiness to the implementation of a wide range of qualification tasks and responsibilities imposed by the employers to the candidates for musical-pedagogical professions. At the empirical level, the author’s concept was introduced as a technology of students’ individual educational routes, taking into account personal and professional priorities, the starting level of profile instrumental-performing, methodical, organizational-pedagogical possibilities.


Educational standards, musician-pedagogue training at the university, context-competence-based principle, piano class, educational process, structural professional and competency-based components, individual educational routes, competence and qualification complexes, competitiveness and mobility on the labour market


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IDR: 144160733

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