Structural and functional model for the formation of students' professional operation and service competences (by the example of a railway college)

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The article discusses the results of scientific research on the development of a structural and functional model for the formation of a set of professional operational and service competencies among students of a railway technical school. A number of basic characteristics of models of pedagogical systems are considered, which are a condition for designing new models. Taking into account the methodological approaches and organizational and methodological conditions considered in the article, the authors developed a structural and functional model of the system for the formation of a set of professional operational and service competencies among students of the railway technical school, presented for clarity in the figure. The structure of this model contains nine interconnected, sequentially and successively implemented functional links. The initial backbone link of the model is the “goal-setting” link, which clearly defines the goal of the system functioning: to form a set of professional operational and service competencies in students. The final functional link of the model is the “positive result” link, which reflects the professional operational and service competencies formed at a high and advanced level. If a negative result is found during the control procedure, then the functional links of negative feedback are included in the system - the link of individual self-correction and the link of correction of the educational process. The article discusses and argues the practical and theoretical significance and value of the developed structural and functional model of the system for the formation of a set of professional operational and service competencies among students. First of all, the high significance and value of the structural-functional model of the system for the formation of a set of professional operational and service competencies among students is noted, which consists in its productive use as a didactic algorithm for the consistent and successive implementation/development of all individual time stages/links of the model. It is shown that for developers, the use of the created structural-functional model of the system for the formation of a set of professional operational and service competencies among students is very important and valuable, that its visual graphical representation indirectly provides the perception of a complex multi-link process as an integral/holistic system.


Students of the railway technical school, structural and functional model, operational and service competencies, functional links of the model

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148327205   |   DOI: 10.37313/2413-9645-2023-25-91-99-107

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