Subculture beatniks and their reception of Zen-Buddhism in USA (50-60 years XX century)

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In this article the author analyze one of the most earliest try’s of reception the spiritual basis Zen-Buddhism of art elite subculture of "beatniks" in USA 50--60 years XX century. For example novel by D. Keruak "Dharma Bums" shows what Zen for bit nicks was the cultural form of resistance opposite "Society of Consumption" and justification their aspiration for free their self from puritan’ moral principles modern American society. From analyze beatniks’ texts we can realize what the most important things in Zen for these group was the practice of meditation as the method tranquilization of the psychic affects, practice spontaneous creation what reflected in their novels and poetry as carry away the form traditional Japanese poetry - hokku, that aesthetical principles was foundered for Zen. The rejection the beatniks the value of "Society of Consumption" was fold in their existence with negation, find justification itself in principal of Zen, common moral. In general we can say what bit nicks’ reception of Zen were the trying of escape from industrial society terminate by their opinion all spiritual practice.


Zen, cultural interaction, protest, transformation, bit nicks

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IDR: 144160505

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