The nature and structure of modern cultural space media

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In the article the essence and structure of cultural space media. This task is carried out through the disclosure of beings media, culture and space, taken in their organic unity. Draws attention to the fact that media is a communicative phenomenon, including mass media, mass media and direct contact and cultural relations: monologues, dialogues, polilogy using media and acting as direct, indirect, virtual. Hence, cultural space media is understood as such a cultural space, which is used in the interests of its functioning SMI, SMK, Internet, etc. In the mind of the recipient media recorded in different cultural levels of perception, which are primarily associated with the values, management needs, which is manifested in the cultural interests that form culture relationship and are made in the opinions, estimates, as well as the impact on the real events. The structure of cultural space media form her main areas: technical, subject-productive; content-productive; technological; communication channel. These elements shape the information environment of cultural space media.


Culture, media, space, information, communication, resource of cultural space media, media culture, information environment

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IDR: 144160429

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