Technological aspects of using chia seeds in the bakery production

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The aim of research is to study the effect of whole-ground chia seed flour on the quality indicators of flour mixtures, dough and bread and to develop practical recommendations for the use of chia seed flour in the technological process. As a functional ingredient, whole-ground flour from dark chia seeds was used as a source of high quality vegetable protein, essential fatty acids omega-3 and omega-6, polysaccharides. When studying the properties of raw materials, semi-finished products and baked bread samples, the generally accepted methods of organoleptic and physicochemical assessment were used. The rheological properties of the dough during the kneading process were determined according to GOST ISO 5530-1-2013. The objects of the study were: chia seeds (Salvia hispanica L.) of dark varieties; flour mixtures obtained by mixing wheat bakery flour of the first grade and wholemeal flour from chia seeds in a ratio (by weight) of 92: 8, 94: 6; 96: 4, 98: 2; dough and bread samples obtained from prepared flour mixtures. Chia seeds of dark varieties were ground in a laboratory mill to a size corresponding to the passage through a sieve with a mesh size of 0.5 mm. The dough was prepared in a non-steam way and on liquid wheat starter cultures of spontaneous fermentation. It was found that the addition of wholemeal flour from chia seeds in an amount from 2 to 6 % to the flour mass reduced the rate of swelling of colloids, increased the time of dough formation, and increased the qualitative assessment of the dough and the stability of the dough during kneading. Chia polysaccharides influenced the formation of a three-dimensional gluten framework and, consequently, the elasticity and extensibility of the dough. To obtain bread with high quality indicators when adding flour from chia seeds, the moisture content of the dough should be increased by 1-2 % by increasing the added water when kneading the dough, the duration of the dough kneading should be increased by 5-8 minutes, and the acidity of the dough should be increased to 3.5-4, 0 deg. due to the introduction of wheat starter cultures.


Wholemeal flour, chia seeds, polysaccharides, gel, flour mixtures, falling number, farinogram, dough, rheology

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140261365   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-11-198-204

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