The technology of production of cottage cheese based on thermal acid clotting of milk

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The research objective was to develop the production technology of curd cheeses on the basis of thermal acid clotting of milk with addition of various food and flavoring additives. The way of production of curd cheese by thermal acid clotting of milk was presented. The formulations were developed for four samples of curd cheese with various flavorings: the first sample - with vanilla, the second - with cocoa, the third - with basil and dill, and the fourth - with turmeric and Korean carrot seasoning. All used raw materials conformed to qualifying standards. The production technology of curd cheese was developed on the basis of the production technology of the Adygei cheese and included the following stages: the acceptance and an assessment of quality of raw materials, milk pasteurization (93-95 °C, without endurance), introduction of solution of lemon acid (acidity 85-120 °t), keeping of a clot (93-95 °C, 5 minutes), separation of the clot from serum, self-pressing (to m. moisture no more than 60 %), pasteurization of additional ingredients in serum, entering of additional ingredients into the clot, homogenization, packing and marking, cooling, the assessment of the quality and realization of the product. All samples of curd cheese on organoleptic and physical and chemical indicators corresponded to State Standard 33480-2015 "Curd cheese. General specifications". The consistence of cheese was gentle, soft, plastic, smeared, uniform in all weight. Color, smell and taste had characteristics depending on the brought ingredients. The mass fraction of fat in different samples was within 12.23-12.6 %; mass fraction of moisture - 55.7-58.3; mass fraction of table salt in the sample with basil and fennel and the sample with seasoning for the Korean carrots - 1.6 and 1.4 % respectively. At tasting assessment curd cheese of the offered range got high points giving the grounds to assume that this product could take a worthy place in the market of dairy products.


Fresh cheeses, curd cheese, thermal acid clotting, citric acid, food and flavoring additives, recipe, adygei cheese, organoleptic characteristics, physical and chemical indicators

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140256867   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2021-1-155-162

Статья научная