Technology of active scenarios creation as a basis of game practice design (state-of-the-art review of a problem)

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Subject of article is the activity scenario, its essence and technology of creation. The main subject is stages and ways of creation of activity scenarios of intellectual, communicative games. The work purpose is development and justification of creation ways of activity scenarios of the developing various orientated games. The methodology of carrying out work consists in specification of the concept "activity scenario" from positions of activity approach, definition of specifics of the activity scenario of the developing games. Results of work include the characteristic of the concept "activity scenario" of interrelation with other concepts, justification of expediency of creation of activity scenarios for the developing games, the developed creation algorithm of the activity scenario of a game and model of the structural scenario card. Range of application of results are gamepractice (development and the organization of the developing games for children and teenagers). Conclusions. In practice of development and the organization of the developing games it is expedient to develop activity scenarios which specifics consist in the description of results from positions of activity approach and planning options plurality of scenario development for children and teenagers. Representation of development results is possible in the form of the scenario card of a game which sample is given in article. The following structural components of the scenario card are allocated: target audience, its features, the formed ways of actions (competence), game space, the description of a plot, type of a game, a task together with the purpose (the formed component - action, separate operation, a mental set, etc.), the description of an episode and estimated options of performance of a task by players and reactions of the organizer to the choice of the decision by players


Game activity, activity scenario, creation technology of activity scenarios, activity scenario of a game, scenario card of a game

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IDR: 148102481

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