The theme of the Second World War in Russian and foreign prose: the problem of teaching modern foreign literature in line with the patriotic education of youth

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The article is devoted to the problem of interpreting the events of the Second World War in modern foreign literature (namely: the role of the USSR in the Victory over fascism is hushed up, the emphasis is placed exclusively on the genocide of Jews during the war, but not Soviet citizens in general), questions of teaching discipline to philology students. The material was mainly the novel by M. Zusak "The Book Thief", as well as the prose of P. Modiano, B. Schlink. The author comes to the conclusion that the basis of patriotic education, which is emphasized by the current state policy not only in secondary, but also in higher education, in classes on the history of foreign literature, should, firstly, be the formula: patriotism is love for one's country rather than hatred for a stranger. Secondly, it is advisable to teach foreign literature (including modern) in the context of Russian-foreign relations, as well as through the prism of a comparative analysis of the works of domestic and foreign authors, using a problematic approach, which will also contribute to critical (analytical) thinking. As for the practical application of the research results, it is advisable for language students to develop a colloquium (6 academic hours) on the topic “The theme of the Second World War in Russian and foreign prose”, involving material from both domestic and foreign prose.


Patriotic education, modern foreign literature, m. zusak

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IDR: 148324288

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