Theoretical and methodological aspects of teaching accompanist art

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The proposed article actualizes the issues of teaching accompanist art in higher education, the main theoretical views, characteristic features of the activity and methodological resources are highlighted; general and specific functions (educational, developmental, upbringing; cognitive heuristic, transformative, compensatory) are indicated. In the work, special attention is paid to the fundamental scientific positions of the teacher, pianist accompanist A. A. Lyublinsky, The author reveals the «primacy of content» as a «universal principle» substantiated by the scientist and a key concept for further comprehension of the modern theoretical and methodological foundations of teaching accompanist's art. On the basis of the undertaken consideration of a number of scientific, educational and methodological works, certain key concepts are set forth (accompanist, art of accompanist, etc.); The author formulates the principles that reflect the specifics of the accompanist's activity (artistic and aesthetic unison, preparedness for improvisation, cocreation in interpretation). The author concludes that it is necessary to further develop the scientific and methodological base, to preserve the existing domestic achievements in teaching the art of accompanist in modern conditions.


Accompanist's activities, art training, accompaniment

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 144163095   |   DOI: 10.24412/1997-0803-2024-3119-83-91

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